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No accidents to life or limb have been reported as having taken place in connection with boilers or machinery during the year, nor have any accidents occurred to boilers during that time. Appended are returns showing the number and class of boilers inspected, and for which certificates have been issued, together with the fees payable; the number and class of machines inspected; the number of notices given to repair defects in boilers; and number of notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery. I have, &c, H. A. McGkegoe, The Assistant-Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. Inspector of Machinery.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

The following boilers are included in the above totals: — * Seven over 10 h.p., each included in two maximum fees .. .. .. 7 t Three over 10 h.p., each included in one maximum fee .. .. 3 1 Ten over 10 h.p., each included in three maximum fees .. .. 10 Also three boilers over 10 h.p. and two over 5 h.p. free of charge for the Government 5 25

Return of Notices given to Fence Dangerous Parts of Machinery in the Wellington District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1892.

'ori le. ;ionary. Is. Name of District. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over h.p. 10 h.p. Under 5 to 10 Over -r, ., 5h.p. h.p. 10h.p. Bollers - Fees. Vellington* larlboroughf Telson North 'aranaki felson SouthJ Vestland 13 6 4 3 109 18 27 25 8 13 30 4 7 5 13 10 79 10 26 13 22 16 71 6 18 11 13 4 127 8 7 13 28 4 429 52 89 70 84 48 £ s. d 677 0 C 73 5 C 121 10 C 106 10 C 132 5 C 69 15 C 1 • Totals200 69 166 123 187 772 1,180 5 27

Date of Notice. description o: Machinery. vntten or Verbal. Parts of Machinery to be fenced, &c. Wellington. 1891. Aug. 8 ... Aug. 14 ... 1892. Jan. 1 ... Feb. 2 ... Saw-mill Saw-mill Written Written Fly-wheel of engine, and main driving-belts. Driving-belts of circular-saws and vertical saws. Chaff-cutting Flax-mill Verbal Written Engine and main driving-belt. Mouth of scutcher to be dressed up and reduced in width 3in. at each end ; depth to be 1-J-in. Driving-belt, where passing the stoking-space, to be boxed in. Upper lip of scutcher to be renewed, and a strong upright fitted to divide the width of opening in two. Fly-wheel of engine, counter-shaft, and main drivingbelts and pulleys. Feb. 23 ... Cutting firewood Flax-mill Verbal March 4 ... Written March 4 ... Flax-mill Written Tabanaki. 1891. Dec. 12 ... FJour-mill ... Written Vertical driving-belt where it passes through each floor, and a hand-rail on the lower flight of stairs. Main driving-belt from engine to crusher. Fly-wheel of engine and main driving-belt. Fly-wheel, and main driving-belt from engine to crusher. Dec. 13 ... Dec. 19 ... Dec. 21 ... Stone-crusher Dairy factory Stone-crush-ing Written Written Written Mablb'ough. 1891. Sept. 9 ... Sept. 9 ... Chaff-cutting Flax-mill Verbal Written Fly-wheels of engine and main driving-belt. Main driving-belt from engine to counter-shaft; also counter - shaft and pulleys, and main driving-belt of scutcher. All main driving-belts above the floor. Sept. 17 ... Sash and door factory Written