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I hope it may be in consonance with the convenience of Her Majesty's Government to relieve me of my duties here not later than the end of February, 1892. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. Lord Knutsford, &c. ONSLOW.

No. 21. (No. 70.) My Lobd, — Christchurch, 30th October, 1891. I have the honour to forward for the signification of Her Majesty's pleasure copies of the Acts passed during the late session, together with a synopsis of the same prepared by the Solicitor-General. No Acts were passed during the first session of this Parliament. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. Lord Knutsford, &c. ONSLOW.

No. 22. (No. 74.) My Lobd, — Christchurch, 28th November, 1891. With reference to your Lordship's Despatch No. 42a, and to previous correspondence on the subject of the admission of colonial boys into the Boyal navy, I have the honour to report that my Government agree to the arrangements proposed in the letter from the Admiralty enclosed in your Lordship's despatch. My. Government are, further, anxious that distinct regulations should be made stating to whom applications for admission to the Australian Squadron should be addressed, and how often they may be forwarded, in order that no complications may arise hereafter. I have, &c, The Eight Hon. Lord Knutsford, &c. ONSLOW.

A.-2, 1892, No. 25.

No. 23. (No. 75.) My Lobd,— Christchurch, 30th November, 1891. With reference to your circular of the 13th May, I have the honour to inform you that at the International Eailway Congress, fixed for 1892, the Government of New Zealand will be represented by Mr. John Blackett, C.E., Consulting Engineer at the office of the Agent-General for the colony in London. I hi vp (xo The Bight Hon. Lord Knutsford, &c. ONSLOW.

A.-2,1892, No. G.

No. 24. (No. 76.) My Lobd, — Christchurch, 9th December, 1891. I believe that representations have already been made to your Lordship by the Governor of Queensland on the subject of the introduction of rabies into British New Guinea. The question is a serious one for all the Australasian Colonies, especially for those which, like New Zealand, have direct intercourse with many of the islands of the Polynesian and other groups, and 1 have therefore been requested by my Government respectfully to urge upon your Lordship the desirability of communicating with the continental Governments having possessions in the Pacific— especially France, Holland, and Germany—with the view of having regulations framed to prevent the introduction of this terrible disease. I have, &c, Th Bight Hon. Lord Knutsford, &c. ONSLOW.