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The Bill to amend the Ocean Postal Subsidy Bill, which you advise had been introduced in Congress, I trust provides for an adequate payment to, the San Francisco service, and, I need scarcely add, the Postmaster-General earnestly hopes it may become law. I have, &c, E. J. Creighton, Esq., W. Geay, Secretary. Eesident Agent for New Zealand, c/o Oceanic Steamship Company, 327, Market Street, San Francisco, California.

No. 88. Mr. Geay to the Managing Dieectoe, Union Steamship Company (Limited), Dunedin. Sic,— General Post Office, Wellington, 18th February, 1892. I have the honour to inform you that it is necessary to change the sailing-day of the mailsteamer from San Francisco. Owing to an alteration in the Cunard Company's time-table for the present year, the " Aurania " takes the " Umbria's " place, and, in consequence, the mail will not reach San Francisco before Friday. Friday will therefore be substituted for Thursday, beginning with the departure of this month's steamer from San Francisco. I have, &c, The Managing Director, W. Geay, Secretary. Union Steamship Company of New Zealand (Limited), Dunedin.

No. 89. Mr. Whitson to the Seceetaey, General Post Office, Wellington. Sic, — Union Steamship Company (Limited), Dunedin, 27th February, 1892. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of youi: favour of the 18th instant, and have to thank you for' the information regarding the alteration in the day of sailing of the mail-steamers from San Francisco. I have, &c, T. W. Whitson, The Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. For Managing Director.

No. 90. The Agent-Geneeal to the Hon. the Peemieb, Wellington. Sic, — 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W., 23rd January, 1892. I beg to transmit copy of letter which, in accordance with the instructions contained in your cablegram of the 7th instant, I addressed to the Imperial Post Office. It will be seen by Sir S. A. Blackwood's reply (copy enclosed) that your request to hold back the letters, &c, which it was proposed to send by the Suez mail of the week immediately preceding that in which the San Francisco mail is despatched, and forward them by the San Francisco route, has been complied with. I am communicating with the General Post Office authorities as to that portion of your cablegram of the 7th instant which asks that the mails via Suez be divided in the same way as was adopted in the case of the Direct service, but without first port o£ call. I have, &c, The Hon. the Premier, Wellington. W. B. Pebceval.

Enclosure 1 in No. 90. The Agent-Genbkal to the Seceetaby, General Post Office, London. Sib,— 13, Victoria Street, 8.W., 11th January, 1892. Eeferring to the correspondence which took place between yourself and this office in November last respecting the mail-services, a copy of which was forwarded to my Government, I have the honour to inform you that I have now received advice by cablegram that my Government have not been able to arrange for a special intercolonial service for the conveyance of the mails between Australia and New Zealand, and that, therefore, the mails sent by the Suez route will have to be forwarded from Australia to New Zealand by the ordinary steamer which leaves Melbourne three days after the due date of their arrival at that port. Under these circumstances, my Government instruct me to request the Postmaster-General that he will limit the transmission of the New Zealand mails via Suez to the first and second weeks' collection of letters, &c, following the despatch of the mails forwarded via San Francisco, so that the mail-services between New Zealand and the Mother-country may remain divided, as regards the times of despatch and delivery, as when there existed a service by the Direct steamers. And, in making this request, I am to point out that correspondence sent by the Suez route in the week previous to that in which the San Francisco mails are despatched will arrive later in the colony than if they were held over for transmission via San Francisco. I trust that this intimation will be given effect to as soon as possible, and that the letters, &c, which, under the proposed arrangement advised by you in your letter of the 27th November, would have been sent by this week's Suez mail will be held back and forwarded by the San Francisco mail of next week. 5—F. 2.