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Qi.) That all the provisions of the existing agreements, where not at variance with any of the foregoing conditions, shall be applicable to any new contract or contracts made under this authority. 3. That, in the event of it being impracticable to renew the four-weekly Direct service on the foregoing terms, then the Government to make temporary provision for the alternate fortnightly mail being sent by Direct steamer, at the ordinary ship-letter gratuity, or by the Federal packets, on such terms as it may be possible to arrange with the contracting colonies. 4. That this House also authorises the reduction of the Brindisi-Naples letter-postage to the universal rate of 2Jd. per half-ounce, and the rates for books and newspapers being assimilated to the rates via San Francisco and by Direct steamers.

No. 13. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Washington. (Telegram.) Wellington, 16th September, 1891. Propose renew Frisco service three years on condition American transit charges reduced. Strongly urge free overland carriage Homeward mails, or that rates specified Article four, Postal Union Regulations, be fixed, and antedated commencement present contract. Cable reply.

No. 14. The Hon. the Postmaster-General to the Resident Agent for New Zealand, San Francisco. (Telegram.) Wellington, 16th September, 1891. Frisco Service.—House approved renewal three years. Eleven shillings letters. Colony defrays overland transit Homeward. Condition London agreement renewed and American transit reduced. Cabled Washington urging free transit Homeward mails, or reduction rates specified Article four, Postal.Union Regulations, and antedate beginning present contract. You strongly appeal. Colonies objected reduction maritime transit not territorial.

No. 15. The Hon. the Premier to the Agent-General, London. (Telegram.) Wellington, 16th September, 1891. Ocean Services.—House agreed three years basis, eleven shillings letters both services, books, newspapers, nil. Present apportionment cost Imperial Treasury colony continued. New Zealand Shipping Company declined contract. Further negotiate. Message fifth received. Present Pr'isco contract —London, eight thousand four hundred forty-five, including Atlantic transit Homeward ; colony, seven thousand one hundred twenty-one, excluding transit Frisco to New York. Next three years, London, eight thousand eight hundred thirty, nine thousand seven hundred thirteen, ten thousand eighty-four; New Zealand, seven thousand one hundred eighty, seven thousand eight hundred ninety-eight, eight thousand six hundred eighty-eight. Direct, present contract —London, six thousand six hundred thirty ; New Zealand, two thousand five hundred twenty-four. Average next three years—London, three thousand eight hundred ninety-nine; New Zealand, one thousand nine hundred ninety-four. Brindisi rates reduced first proximo.

No. 16. The Hon. the Postmaster-General, Washington, to the Hon. the Postmaster-General, Wellington. (Telegram.) Washington, 17th September, 1891. Unable to grant request for mails.

No. 17. Mr. Gray to the Managing Director, Union Steamship Company (Limited), Dunedin. (Telegram.) Wellington, 2nd October, 1891. Fb'isco Service.—Quite time renewal fixed up. Will you therefore say whether you accept terms fixed by House of Representatives, and agree renew for three years. Coastal service has also to be arranged. Hope you see your way make reduction. Nothing definite as yet Direct service.

No. 18. Mr. Mills to the Secretary, General Post Office, Wellington. (Telegram.) Dunedin, sth October, 1891. Frisco Service. —Understood you were willing to leave matter open till our letter should reach Spreckels at end of this month, so that he might understand all the circumstances, and decide whether to accept terms offered for three years, or ask you to renew for one year only on present terms. Coastal service can then also be considered, although it appears to us that present subsidy is not more than sufficient for special services rendered.