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Table No. 17. Table showing the Cash Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages, the Value of Government Messages, and the Number of Messages, transmitted in the several Postal Districts of New Zealand, for the Year ended 31st December, 1891.

Table No. 18. Number of Letters posted in each Postal District during the Year ended 31st December, 1891; Number of Telegrams forwarded in each Postal District during the Year ended 31st December, 1891; and the Proportion of Telegrams to every 100 Letters; together with a similar Return from 1867-68.

Postal Districts. Revenue derived from Private and Press Messages. Value of Government Messages. I Total' Total Number Number Number Value of of Private of of Messages of and Press Govt. Messages all Codes. Messages. Messages. of all Codes. Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Thames Timaru Wanganui Wellington Westport £ s. a. 14.439 1 f> 2,107 ig 11 11,312 11 5 12,347 I 3 10 1,865 o o 3.356 18 1 1,112 10 1 4,590 . 6 5 5,782 15 6 2,515 ° 7 1,963 12 o 1,383 6 10 2,628 7 8 2,335 15 1 4,302 1 9 13.546 7 5 1,955 3 10 3.4 : 3 3 ° 687 9 2 i,6oi 4 9 2,528 7 10 453 13 8 694 1 4 307 6 4 777 18 11 995 o 6 721 4 10 636 14 9 239 19 2 606 17 3 409 4 6 830 7 8 9,113 o 8 824 11 3 £ s- a17,852 4 6 280,634 33,236 313,87c 2,795 9 1 3 6 ,443 6,266 42,70c 12,913 16 2 188,741 15,612 204,353 14,876 1 8 238,669 22,162 260,831 2,318 13 8 32,945 4,020 36,965 4,O5O 19 5 57,669 6,313 63,982 1,419 16 5 20,344 2,797 23,141 5,36S 5 4 92,847 8,732 101,57c 6,777 J 6 o 98,985 10,126 109,111 3.236 5 5 57,3" 6,870 64,181 2,600 6 9 37,515 5.741 43.256 1,623 6 o 24,296 2,186 26,482 3,235 4 11 5°,792 5.860 56,652 2.744 19 7 40,749 3,869 44,6iS 5,132 9 5 83,406 8,905 92,311 22,659 8 1 368,508 72,607 441,115 2,779 15 1 36,261 6,847 43,i°S £ s- a17,852 4 6 2,795 9 1 12,913 16 2 14,876 1 8 2,318 13 8 4,050 19 5 1,419 16 5 5,36S 5 4 6,777 16 o 3,236 5 5 2,600 6 9 1,623 6 o 3.235 4 " 2,744 19 7 5.132 9 5 22,659 8 1 2,779 15 1 280,634 36,443 188,741 238,669 32,945 57.669 20,344 92,847 98,985 57,3ii 37,515 24,296 5o,792 40,749 83,406 368,508 36,261 33,236 6,266 15,612 22,162 4,020 6,313 2,797 8,732 10,126 6,870 5.741 2,186 5,86o 3.869 8,905 72,607 6,847 313.870 42,709 204,353 260,831 36,965 63,982 23. H 1 101,579 109,111 64,181 43.256 26,482 56,652 44,618 92,311 44 I . II 5 43,108 Totals, iSgi Totals, 1890 87,544 11 11 85.954 4 6 24,840 5 7 26,070 12 7 112,384 17 6 112,024 17 1 1,746,115 i>734.381 222,149 226,780 1,968,264 1,961,161

1S90. 1891. Districts. Number of Letters. Number of Telegrams. Proportion of Telegrams to every ioo Letters. Number of Letters. ■Number of Telegrams, Proportion of Telegrams to every ioo Letters. Auckland Blenheim Christchurch Dunedin Gisborne Greymouth Hokitika Invercargill .. Napier Nelson New Plymouth Oamaru Thames Timaru Wanganui "Wellington Westport 4,286,499 313,983 317,523 42,899 3,398,556 213*880 3,406,250 289,0^5 180,656 32,930 347,354 7°>36i 158,755 23,553 1,167,244 98,442 998,733 102,140 443,755 61,506 308,016 37,855 409,695 33,851 347,538 61,052 77i,36i 47,664 1,078,236 74,662 414,131 169,889 43,237 732 I3'5i 629 8-48 18-22 20'25 I4-83 8-43 T.0'22 13-86 12-28 8-26 17-56 617 692 IOII 25-50 4,682,483 347,880 3.723,590 3)631,979 184,587 338,429 168,311 1,366,937 1,191,918 519,662 382,551 472,355 377,"7 896,610 1,189,084 4,072,614 199,355 313,870 42,709 204,353 260,831 36,965 63,982 23,141 ioi,579 109,111 64,181 43,256 26,482 56,652 44,618 92,3" 441,115 43,108 6-70 12-28 5'49 7-i8 2003 18-91 1375 743 9-15 12-36 W31 5-6i 15-02 4-98 776 1083 21-62 Year. Number of Lette: Number of )f Telegrams. 1 Tel, Proportion of jgrams sent tQ every ioo Letters. ■s. 1891 1890 icS8 9 188S 1887 18S6 1S85 1884 1883 1882 1881-82 1880-81 1879-80 (for nine months only) .. 1878-79 1377-78 1876-77 1875-76 1874-75 1873-74 1872-73 1871-72 1870-71 1869-70 1868-69 1S67-68 23.745,462 21,501,937 21,026,837 19,502,704 IS,711,329 18,188,144 16,458,477 16,020,056 14,834,217 14,546,748 11,059,677 10,895,998 7,065,510 7,374,786 6,078,384 5,540,920 4,731,873 4,059,517 3,209,837 2,82s,372 2,418,021 2,626,947 2 , 374, 060 2,749,488 l>938.578 1,968,264 1,961,161 1,802,988 1,765,863 1,835,394 1,836,266 1,774,273 1,654,305 1,599,400 1,570,189 1,438,772 1,304,712 I,008,409 1,448,943 1,260,324 1,124,432 1,051,086 917,218 752,899 568,960 411,677 312,874 185,423 146,167 106,104 8-29 9-12 8-57 9-05 g-8 10-09 10-78 10-32 10-78 1079 13-00 n-97 14-27 1964 20-71 20-29 22'2I 22-59 23'45 19-76 17-02 11-91 7-8x 6-12 5-47 mi