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2. Woek of Highest and Lowest Classes. Highest. —Latin : Via Latina ; Caesar, Helvetian War. English : Mason's Outlines of English Grammar; Merchant of Venice ; II Penseroso, L'Allegro, and Lycidas ; Epochs of English History. Euclid, Books 1.-, 11., and part of 111. Arithmetic: The whole subject. Algebra: To simple equations. French : Macmillan's Second Course. Chemistry : Primer. Lowest. —English : Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare; Eoyal Eeader V.; Goldsmith's Traveller. Via Latina (18 exercises). Arithmetic: To vulgar fractions. Chemistry: Primer. Gardiner's History.

3. SCHOLAESHIPS. The school gave free education to three boys and one girl.

TIMAEU HIGH SCHOOL. 1. General Statement of Eeceipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1891. Receipts. £ a. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance at beginning of year .. .. 204 10 9 By Management— Endowments— Office salary .. .. .. 73 15 0 Current income from reserves .. 1,275 0 0 ■ Other office expenses .. .. 211 5 Interest on moneys invested and on Steward of reserves .. .. 13 4 6 unpaid purchase-money .. .. 190 0 0 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 1,571 10 6 Paid by School Commissioners .. 60 0 0 Scholarships.. .. .. .. 110 School fees .. .. .. 025 19 2 Prizes .. .. .. .. 18 0 0 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 78 8 1 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. .. .. 115 14 8 Book and stationery account and other temporary advances .. .. 38 0 5 Site and buildings— Purchases and new works .. .. 97 5 0 Fencing, Eepairs, &c. .. .. il7 5 Eents, insurance, and taxes.. .. 19 5 1 Interest on current account .. .. 0 5 6 Travelling expenses of Board .. .. 11 10 8 Bank balance .. £256 19 0 Less outstanding cheques 7 2 4 In bank .. .. 249 16 8 On deposit .. .. .. .. CO 0 0 In hand .. .. .. .. 0 4 0 £2,355 9 11 £2,355 9 11 Henry W. Harpee, Chairman. J. H. Bamfield, Secretary. Examined and found correct.—James Edwaed FitzGeeald, Controller and Auditor-General.

2. WOEK OF THE HIGHEST AND LOWEST CLASSES. Highest. —English : Mason's English Grammar; Composition, exercises, and essay writing; Shakespeare's Henry IV. (Part I.), Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, Macaulay's Warren Hastings, Burkes Thoughts on the Present Discontents, Eaiie's Philology. Latin : Cicero, De Senectute (Shuckburgh); Horace, Odes, Book 111., sight translation; Bennett's Latin Passages; first twenty chapters of Sallust's Catiline ; Ctesar, Books V. and VI. (Colbeck); continuous prose composition up to Junior Scholarship Standard; Abbott's Via Latina; Horton's History of the Eomans. Greek : Homer's Odyssey (Book I.); Thucydides, Eise of the Athenian Empire (Colson); Euripides, Hecuba ; Smith's History of Greece ; Abbott and Mansfield's Greek Grammar ; Greek prose up to Junior Scholarship Standard. French: Macmillan's Composition; ditto Organic Method of teaching French; Lazare Hoche (Bonnechose); Bourgeois Gentilhomme (Moliore); Enfants d' Edouard (Delavigne) ;Vecqueray's Grammar papers. German : Macmillan's First Beader, second year's course ; Schiller's Wilhelm Tell. Mathematics : Lock's Arithmetic, Barnard Smith's Exercises ; algebra, Hall and Knight; geometry, Cuthbertson's Euclidian Geometry; trigonometry, Lock's. Science : Lock's Statics and Dynamics ; Sanderson's Elementary Hydrostatics ; Garnett's Heat; Eemsen's Elementary Chemistry; Zouman's Botany; Bettany's Primer of Botany. Geography: Longmans' for Australasia. History: Buckley's; Epochs (Gardiner). Commercial Class : Tot's Book-keeping ; correspondence; shorthand ; indexing. Drawing: Freehand, model, geometrical, mechanical. Loivest. —Gatty's Parables from Nature (Bell), Gardiner's First History, Abbott's How to tell the Parts of Speech, Longmans' Geographical Eeader (Europe), Star Arithmetics, Bue's Early French Lessons, Paul Bert's First Year of Scientific Knowledge, Southern Cross Copy-books, Colo" nial Drawing-books (freehand and geometrical). Boys. —Cadet corps and junior drill; gymnastics, seniors and juniors; singing, juniors. Girls. —Gymnastics and drill with Indian clubs, French wands, and dumb-bells ; plain and fancy needlework, knitting, cutting-out; singing. Twenty-eight boys belonged to the carpentry classes during the last term. The work of the year was very favourably reported on by Mr. Marchant, C.E.

3. Scholarships. Free education was granted to twelve scholars of the Board of Education. The Cain Exhibition, amounting to £10 per annum, was awarded on the results of the annual examination.