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Enclosure 1 in No. 1 The Eailway Commissionees to the Hon. the Ministee for Public Works. New Zealand Government Eailways (Head Office), Wellington, (Memorandum.) 21st February, 1891. Section 31 of " The Government Eailways Act, 1887," provides that the location, &c, of stations shall be determined by the Eailway Commissioners. The Commissioners would respectfully suggest that you should issue such instructions to your officers as will insure this provision of the Act being effective. In the past construction of railways much dissatisfaction and expense has arisen after lines have been opened from the unsuitability of station location and arrangements, &c. In order that this section of the Act should take effect thoroughly, the Commissioners should have an opportunity of considering the matter and expressing their opinion before the final alignment and sections are settled for contract purposes. James McKerrow, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Chief Commissioner

Enclosure 2 in No. 1 The Hon. the Ministee for Public Woeks to the Eailway Commissionees. Public Works Department, Wellington, 26th February, 1891. (Memorandum.) Ec Location of Stations, &c. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your memorandum of the 21st instant, requesting that suitable instructions should be issued to the officers of this department for the purpose of insuring that the provisions of section 31 of "The Government Eailways Act, 1887," are made effective, and in reply to state that the Acting Engineer-in Chief has been requested to consult the Commissioners in future before fixing the location of stations, &c, as requested. I should, however, be glad to be furnished with a list of the instances in which " dissatisfaction and expense have arisen after lines have been opened from the unsuitability of station location arrangements, &c," as stated in your memorandum. E. J Seddon, The Eailway Commissioners. Minister for Public Works.

Mo. 2. The Eailway Commissioners to the Hon. the Minister for Public Woeks. New Zealand Government Eailways (Head Office), Wellington, (Memorandum.) 24th February, 1892. With reference to the Commissioner's letter of the 11th January last on the subject of the proposed To Aro Station, sidings and buildings, I have now the honour to enclose you a plan of the arrangements which the Commissioners consider necessary for the convenience of the public passenger traffic, and they beg to ask if you would fulfil the request made in the letter above quoted, and cause the original proposals for the station siding accommodation to be cancelled, and the enclosed scheme substituted. James McKeeeow, The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Chief Commissioner

No. 3. The Eailway Commissioners to the Hon. the Minister for Public Woeks. New Zealand Government Eailways (Head Office, Wellington, (Memorandum.) 14th March, 1892. Te Aro Bailway. Eeferring to the interview which took place to-day between the Eailway Commissioners and yourself on the subject of the Te Aro Eailway-station, and to the decided expression of their views then given, the Commissioners do not see that they could advise in any way regarding provision for a goods-station. As regards their proposals for a passenger-station, they consider that the plan submitted to you on the 24th ultimo (and herewith returned) provides for no more than is necessary for passenger traffic, and that whatever other additions may be needed in the future, this proposed accommodation should not be altered or curtailed. James McKeeeow. The Hon. the Minister for Public Works. Chief Commissioner

No. 4. The Railway Commissioners to the Hon. the Minister for Public Wobks. New Zealand Government Eailways (Head Office), Wellington, (Memorandum. 16th March, 1892. Proposed Goods-station at To Aro. Owing to the Chief Commissioner having to leave by steamer very shortly after the Commissioner's interview with the Minister on the 14th instant, there was only time for him to briefly record their objection to this work. The Commissioners, however, think it due to the Minister