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No. 1 Table showing the Comparison in Quantity and Value of Gold entered for Exportation, and also the Quantity and Value of other Minerals produced, for the Years ending the 31st December, 1890 and 1891; as well as the Total Value since January, 1853

Name of Metal or Mineral. For Year ending the 31st December, 1891. For Year ending the 31st December, 1890. Total from the 1st January, 1853, to the 31st December, 1891. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Precious metals — Gold .. Silver .. Oz. 251,990 28,023 £ 1,007,488 5,151 Oz. 193,193 32,637 £ 773,438 6,162 Oz, 12,070,217 582,633 £ 47,433,117 140,148 Total gold and silver 280,019 1,012,639 225,830 779,600 12,652,850 47,573,265 Mineral produce, including kauri-gum— Copper-ore Chrome-ore Antimony-ore Manganese-ore .. Hematite-ore Mixed minerals Coal exported Coke exported Coal, output of mines in colony Kauri-gum Tons. A 413 1,153 A 2 91,664 2,544 577,130 8,388 £ 4 4,950 2,634 1 6 91,173 3,658 288,565 437,056 Tons. - 515 482 14 19 69,614 2,218 567,783 7,438 £ 11,121 1,004 5 273 67,003 3,334 283,891 378,563 Tons. 5,666 2,786 16,456J 52JJ 14,068 510,364 11,486 0,468,181 143,018J £ 17,866 37,367 41,140 53,925 226 69,041 506,958 17,899 3,234,000 5,831,743 Total quantity and value of minerals Value of gold and silver, as above 681,294^, 828,047 1,012,639 648,070 J 745,194 779,600 7,173,472J$ 9,810,255 47,573,265 Total value of minerals produced, including gold and silver 1,840,686 1,524,794 57,383,520