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No. 7. —Photographs.

No. 8. —Lithographic Printing from 1st July, 1890, to 30th June, 1891.

No. 9. —Abstract of Lithographs printed during the Year. *At the Head Office ... ... ... 348,713 impressions. Auckland ... ... ... ... 3,900 impressions, 24 plans. Dunedin ... ... ... ... 5,475 impressions, 25 plans. 358,088 Maps and photographs mounted at Wellington, 2,090; maps mounted at Dunedin, 257.

• This is for seven months only, as the records of the preceding period were destroyed in the fire.

Department. Number of Plates. Silver Prints. Bromide Prints. Transparencies. SurveyPublic Works Marine Telegraph Geological ... Crown Lands Mines Education ... Eailway Commissioners ... Public Trust Commissioners Defence 227 45 7 17 31 13 18 3 6 7 15 128 11. Totals 379 15 128 11 * This return is for seven months only, as the records for the preceding period were burnt in the fire.

Number of Separate Printings. Number of Ii ipressions.. Department. By Machine. By Hand. survey Public Works Mines Sfative Public Buildings Marine Colonial Secretary lustice Registrar-General geological Customs 396 54 22 13 3 58 9 16 10 37 2 1 5 3 3 6 5 3 25 25 2 100,750 12,801 30,600 19,400 23,749 2,462 20 47 284 2,155 156 560 742 50 700 100 1,036 29 70 5S9 17,840 2,480 670 445 33,338 d-easury Post and Telegraph \gricultural Defence Education Legislative Property Tax Railways 3 ublie Trust ■Stock "250 100 470 8,000 10,680 63,400 24,000 120 25 698 *325,344 32,744 * This is for seven months only, as the records of the preceding period were di istroyed in the fire.