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long, building a road bridge over the old channel of the Halswell River of one span of 20ft. with floodgates, and a small embankment 4ft. wide on top and 13 chains long—was undertaken in order to render about 2,000 acres of the Lake Ellesmere Reserve available for settlement. Owing to the lateness of tlie season when the work was finished, the land has not yet been offered for sale. The cost of this work, together with advertising, inspection, &c, was £504 os. 9d. 4. Catliris-Waikawaßoad (From Ist July, 1890, to 30th June, 1891).—The bush-falling, 1 chain wide, from the McKenzie bridge (Catlin's Township) to the beach at Taukupu Bay, from the Taukupu River to Taukupu Bay and up the Taukupu Valley about 4 miles, has been done except a portion of the first 3 miles, which was felled before the end of June, 1890. Contracts Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6, having been let and partially finished some time previous to 30th June, 1890. The logging up and clearing a space 40ft. wide in the centre for formation has been done from the McKenzie Bridge to the beach at Taukupu Bay, with the exception of about 60 chains. The bush-falling 100 ft. wide and logging up and clearing 50ft. wide up the Catlin's River, a distance of 4 miles, commencing at the Catlin's Bridge, was practically finished before 30th June, 1890, and the formation contracts which have lately been let, do not yet render the land more accessible. The formation on the Catlin's-Waikawa Road, including culverts from the McKeuzie Bridge to the North Purakaunui Stream, a distance of nearly 5 miles, has been begun and finished during the year. The McKenzie Bridge, a single span of 20ft. has been built, and the Catlin's Bridge, comprising five spans of 30ft. each, has also been built. In addition the approaches to the Catlin's Bridge have been in hand, but are not quite finished. The approaches to the McKenzie Bridge have been made. Between the North and South Purakaunui Streams the formation and culverts are in a forward state for a further distance of about 1 mile, and the bridge over the North Purakaunui Stream, a single span of 20ft., is nearly finished. The cost of the Catlin's Bridge, without approaches, was £648 9s. Grass-seed was sown on the road clearing up the Catlin's River, at a cost of £31. The cost of bush-falling, logging-up and clearing culverts, small bridges, sowing grassseed, and formation, has been £3,240 9s. sd. 5. Boad to Mount Cook and Glaciers, Tourist Tracks. —A track has been made up the Tasman Valley from the terminal face of the Tasman Glacier to the Ball Glacier, so that tourists can without difficulty walk up to the Ball Glacier, or ride and take pack-horses. Near the Ball Glacier a galvanized iron-hut lined with felting has been built with bunks for eight persons, and there is a partition so that ladies can occupy one compartment and gentlemen the other. Supplies can be stored at this hut for intending climbers, and in case of bad w T eather climbers have good shelter without having to go right back to the Hermitage. The length of track made up the Tasman Valley is about 6 miles (a considerable distance did not require making.) A few chains of track were made from the wire-rope and cage near the end of the Mount Cook spur down to the level of the Tasman Valley. Near the Hermitage, and about 10 chains below the terminal face of the Mueller Glacier, a light wire foot-bridge of 220 ft. span has been thrown over the Hooker River, Mid a track up the Hooker Valley has been commenced. The track has been made from the bridge about half a mile up the valley ; then there is a break on a rocky bluff of about 15 chains, and after that the track is made up to the terminal face of the Hooker Glacier. The expenditure for these works has been £550 Bs. fid. 6. Ohau-Pukaki Boad. —The direct road from the Ohau Traffic-bridge to the finger-post at the junction of the Mount Cook Road with the Ben Ohau Road on the south side of the Pukaki punt was cleared of large stones and tussocks, and the terraces were graded and formed, so that it is now used for traffic. The cost, including advertising, &c, was £113 4s. 6d. Frederick Wither, Road Surveyor.

CANTERBURY. Statement showing Payments to Local Bodies in the Canterbury Land District during the Twelve Months ended 30th June, 1891, from "Thirds" of Deferred-payments and Perpetual-lease Lands, and "Fourths" of Small Grazing-runs.

Local Bodies. Deferredpayment and Perpetuallease Lands. Small T . , G ru Z n" 8 - *££* Length, Locality, Description, and Particulars of Work authorised by Land Board. Mackenzie County Council £ s. d. 184 5 6 £ s. d. £ s. d. .. 184 5 6 Expended on following roads : From 20271 to 36088, from 19197 to 36086, Burke's Pass Road; from 20547 to Ropihi, from 24037 to 36059, through part 36055, from 9146 to 17371, through 29564 to 27558. Expended on roads: Fronting Lots 10, 12, 13 of Reserve 264, running from E. corner Reserve 2105 S.W. to 27253, from E. corner of Reserve 2165 to 26577, from 27253 past 26623 to Reserve 2240. Expended on roads: From 28164 to 34032, and up to and past 35795, &c, from 20592 to 31376, road along E. side of 32643. Formation of Shaw Street, John Street, Princes Street, shingling part of North Belt, general work on East Belt, all in Town of Arowhenua. Repairing bridge in subdivision of Reserve 1263. Forming roads fronting to and approaching 35754. 136 11 11 I Wakanui Road Board .. ! 136 11 Hi Mount Hutt Road Board Arowhenua Town Board 30 18 4 36 18 4 46 12 7 46 12 7 Levels Road Board Longbeach Road Board Hampstead Town Board 3 2 6 0 11 4 3 2 6 0 11 4 2 5 10 .. ! 2 5 10 Expended on roads round Lots from 1 to 22 of Reserve 1261. Carried forward