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Miscellaneous.— Under this heading is included the felling of about 2$ miles of Kaitoke Eoad, Hawera district, the felling being 1 chain wide, a cart-way 12ft. wide being cleared and stumped in the centre The layiug-off for contracts of 3f miles of the Eotokare Eoad (by Mr. J. Parsed), including plans &c, and the felling of bush on the Makino and Morea Eoads, as described under Item 37 the length felled being about 2f miles. It also includes the cost of repairs to the Mangahume Bridge, Eltham Eoad, the foundation of one of the piers of the bridge having been damaged by floods, and necessitating protection-works. Mangaroa-Stratford, East Road.— 2l miles of this road have been pegged and levelled, and plans have been prepared for contracts—viz., from Stratford to the southern boundary of Mangaere Block Nearly 4 miles of this work have been let, and the contracts (four in number) will shortly be completed The work included road-formation, grading, &c, 15ft. wide, bridges, culverts, drains &c and would have been now completed but for the unusually wet season which we have experienced As this road leads to large blocks of land now being settled and to others the surveys of which are in hand, and as there is upon it a heavy and increasing traffic, a considerable portion of it must be metalled, or otherwise it will be impassable during each winter. Stone tor broken metal can be obtained for the first 6 or 7 miles, and shell limestone for the remainder. The total expenditure for the year on the above works, including survey and supervision, has been £3 560 19s 7d The number of contracts under supervision was forty. The work now in hand includes four contracts for formation on Stratford-Mangaroa, or East Eoad; one contract, erection of tourists' house on Mount Egmont; eight contracts bush-road felling, and five contracts felling frontages. All the levelling, mapping, preparation, and supervision of contracts has been done by Mr Eobinson.

REPORT ON MONEYS SPENT BY LOCAL BODIES OUT OP GRANTS AND SUBSIDIES UNDER THE "^ r SUPERVISION OP THE SURVEY DEPARTMENT. Vote 83 Item 35 —The Moa Eoad Board, in order to form and metal the Junction Eoad from Inglewood towards Tarata, obtained a loan of £1,200 under the Loans to Local Bodies Act, and this was subsidised by £1,200 from the Government. Contracts were let, and the formationwork is nearly completed, and the metalling well in hand. When the contracts have been completed a continuous metalled road will extend from Inglewood to kaimata Eoad and the worst parts of the remainder to Tariki Eoad will also be metalled. It is the intention of theEoad Board to snend £200 in widening the narrower parts of and improving the so-called " Zigzag. Vote 83 Items 36 37, and 43.—The Hawera County Council received two grants, amounting to £123 for improving the Eotokare Eoad. Of this sum they have spent £122 Bs. 6d., partly in formation and partly in felling and clearing for about a mile into the Mangarumgi Block, now under survey Although this road will open the block from Hawera, distant about 13 miles, the shortest access is by the Anderson Eoad, by which the block is only 9 miles from the Mountain Eoad and 10 from the Eltham Eailway-station. The county have also expended a grant of £50 in improvement of the Whareroa Eoad through the reserve of that name. _ Sidney Weetman, Chief Surveyor.

Statement showing Payments to Local Bodies in the Taranaki Land District during the Twelve Months ended 30th June, 1891, from "Thirds" of Deferred-payments and Perpetual Lease Lands, and "Fourths" of Small-grazing Runs.

Local Bodies. Deferred- j <j ma n payment and! r .' rB7 i nB . „ Total Perpetual- j B ™, g Payments, lease Lands. Length, Locality, Description, and Particulars of Work authorised by Land Board. £ s. d. 56 3 4 £ s. d. £ s. d. 56 3 4 Clifton County Council.. Hawera County Council Patea County Council .. Stratford Town Board .. Waiwakaiho Road Board Egmont Road Board .. 1,164 19 6 28 4 9 56 8 5 6 14 4 11 1 6 1,164 19 6 28 4 9 56 8 5 6 14 4 11 1 6 Chiefly repairs over 10 miles of Junction Road, also on Okoke and Otaraoa Roads. 1 mile 34 chains formation on eleven roads ; 3 miles bridle-track on three roads ; 10 chains felling and clearing ; 3 miles logging and stumping on nine roads ; 2 miles new metalling on seven roads; 30 chains repairs ; 30ft. bridge. 1J miles, East Road, formation, culverting, and bridging. 40 chains, Stratford Town, formation, new, 18ft. wide ; logging and stumping, 30ft. wide. About 40 chains, Alfred Road, Egmont district, felling and scrubbing. About 4 miles, formation, here and there, on King Road. Timaru Road, formation, no lengths given. Spent on twelve roads in district, lengths and details not given. 34 miles new formation on eight roads; 1J miles repairs on two roads; 56 chains logging and stumping on three roads ; 16 chains metalling on Junction Road; 30 chains scrubbing; 25 chains bridle-road; parts of two bridges, Mangaone and Makara. Road formation, new, 8J miles, 22ft. wide ; repairs, 3 miles ; scrubbing, 3| miles, 60ft. wide; logging and stumping, 2 miles 40 chains; metalling and gravelling, 13 chains, 9ft. wide ; new bridge, 51ft.: spread over twenty different roads. Tataraimaka Road Board Parihaka Road Board .. 1 14 10 199 15 3 1 14 10 199 15 3 Moa Road Board 420 6 5 1 12 3 421 18 8 552 4 4 Manganui Road Board .. 552 4 4 Carried forward.. 2,497 12 8 1 12 3 2,499 4 11