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Maps of Eden County, showing the smallest subdivsious, are almost ready for issue. In October last the department sustained a heavy loss in the destruction by fire of the photo, gallery and the whole of the building used as a litho-printing office. We were fortunate in having two presses at work in another building, and so were able to carry on urgent work until a shed was erected over the machines, and a new temporary gallery was built. In these quarters and in two other separate places the work of that branch has been carried on at some disadvantage, which it is hoped will be removed by the erection of suitable premises now designed. The loss in plant and stock was not less than £3,100; but the chief parts of the printingmachines and engine being unaffected by the fire, were restored in a few weeks, and are now in fairly good working-order. We, however, lost two fine cameras, including the 30in. one recently imported, and of course our large stock of stones, plates, maps, and material was utterly destroyed, with much .work upon the stones which can never be replaced. There were 358,088 impressions taken from stone as far as can be ascertained—viz., 325,344 by machine and 32,744 by hand—but the return is not complete for the machines, as the records were destroyed in the fire. Printing was done for twenty-one departments, 650 stones were used, 2,090 maps and tracings were mounted, 379 negatives were taken, and 143 silver and bromide prints and eleven transparencies were made in the photo, gallery during the last seven months. The increased demands mentioned in this report have necessitated much night-work being performed by many officers of the department, and I have pleasure in stating that all of them have performed their duties heartily, have kept their work up to date, and have done it well. A. Babkon, Superintendent,