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Sess. 11., 1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

No. 1. Memorandum from the Hon. the Premier to His Excellency the Governor. Parliament having last session provided a salary for Eesident at Barotonga, on the understanding that the Government of this colony should nominate a suitable person for the appointment, the Premier has the honour to inform His Excellency that the Government has decided to nominate Mr. Frederick Joseph Moss, of Auckland, late member of the House of Representatives for Parnell. The Premier respectfully requests that the Secretary of State for the Colonies may be informed of his nomination, so that Mr. Moss may be appointed and enter upon his duties at as early a date as possible. Premier's Office, Wellington, 25th October, 1890. H. A. Atkinson.

No. 2. His Excellency the Governor to the Hon. the Premier. I have sent the following telegram to the Secretary of State: " Frederick Joseph Moss, author " Atolls," is selected for appointment as Resident, Rarotonga; am quite satisfied. Now proceeding unofficially; reporting personally to me on his return. Disturbances there. Send as soon as possible the necessary papers.—Onslow." I shall be glad if you will instruct Mr. Moss to call on me on his return from Rarotonga. I have sent the following telegrams on the same subject. 27th October, 1890. Onslow.

No. 3. His Excellency the Governor to R. Exham, Esq., British Consulate, Rarotonga. The following letter has been transmitted by mail to the Queen of Rarotonga, will you inform Her Majesty of its contents. 27th October, 1890. Onslow.

I have the honour to acquaint Your Majesty that I have to-day cabled to the Secretary of State, to inform him that the Government of New Zealand desire that he will advise Her Majesty to appoint Frederick Joseph Moss, late member of the New Zealand House of Representatives, as Resident at Rarotonga. Mr. Moss will leave at once to visit Rarotonga in an unofficial capacity. He will report to me fully on the state of affairs in the Islands, and will convey any expression of

I—A. 3.