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to be expended unless the Midland Eailway Company and others interested contribute their fair quota, and that the Chairman of your Committee and Mr. Eitchie, head of the Stock Department, visit the locality in order to ascertain, from a personal inspection, whether the object claimed by the deputation can be attained by the expenditure. Your Committee deeply regrets to find that the strong recommendation made by the Joint Committee in 1890 on the subject of lung-worm and other diseases in stock has not been given effect to—viz., "That Professor Thomas should be requested to complete the investigation commenced by him a few years ago, and that Mr. J. F. McClean, M.E.C.V.S.E., should be employed in the same direction." When it is considered that our live-stock provides an important portion of the food of our population, in addition to furnishing fully two-thirds of our total exports, it is not creditable to us as a business community that the industry above all others upon which the welfare of the colony depends should virtually be left to shift for itself by successive Governments. In the Australian Colonies large sums are annually spent on this industry, and some of the results of similar action by the United States of America are visible in the valuable book on parasites in sheep recently to hand from that country. Your Committee would strongly urge the immediate attention of the Government to this important question, with a view of endeavouring to lessen the heavy death-rate amongst sheep which prevails in some districts of the colony. Your Committee earnestly recommends the important matters contained in this report to the serious consideration of Parliament, and also the country. E. Lawby, 22nd September 1891. Chairman. [Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, Nil; printing (1,300 copies), £I.}

By Authority: Geobgb Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9l Price, 3d."