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I am directed to report that, as the captain of the s.s. "Hannah Mokau " has, upon the recommendation of a previous Committee, been paid in full, it is only just that the petitioner should be similarly treated. The Committee therefore recommend the Government to place the sum of £57 Is. 4d. on the supplementary estimates for that purpose. 15th July, 1891.

No. 81, Sess. ll.—Petition of Waltee Williams, of Westport. Petitionee states he was fined for a breach of " The Beer Duty Act, 1880." He prays for remission of fine. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition. 15th July, 1891.

No. 166, Sess. ll.—Petition of D. A. McNicoll and 39 Others, of Dunedin. Petitionees pray that the North Dunedin Cemetery Extension Bill be not passed. I am directed to report that, as the Bill referred to has passed the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 15th July, 1891.

No. 155, Sess. ll. —Petition of James Neil, of Dunedin. Petitionee states he was a manufacturer of tinctures, &c, but was prevented from so doing by the Customs authorities. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee are of opinion that to grant the prayer of the petition would tend to the evasion of the Customs tariff; but recommend that, on any revision of the tariff taking place, the Government should increase the duty of 15 per cent, charged on spirituous compounds and medicinal tinctures, now prohibited from being made in bond, in order that the industry may not be discouraged. 15th July, 1891.

No. 51, Sess. ll.—Petition of Fbancis Stevens, of Wellington. Petitionee states he was an officer in the Civil Service of the colony, and that his services were dispensed with when within nine months of qualifying for a pension. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, although a Minister is not called upon to retain the services of unnecessary officers to enable them to qualify for a pension, that, in view of the special circumstances of Mr. Stevens's case, the Committee recommends his petition to the favourable consideration of the Government. 21st July, 1891.

No. 8, Sess. ll.—Petition of Thomas McDonnell, Lieutenant-Colonel, of Wellington (No. 1). Petitionee states he receives pension in connection with the New Zealand Cross from 1886 only, but that it should have dated from 1869. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee the petitioner is entitled to receive pension from the time of the institution of the New Zealand Cross in 1869, and recommends that the arrears of pension be paid to petitioner by the Government. 24th July, 1891.

No. 95, Sess. ll.—Petition of S. Wileoughby, of Auckland (Second Beport). Petitionee states that after eighteen years in the Government service, he was discharged without compensation. He prays for relief. The Committee's report on this petition having been referred back by the House for further consideration, I am now directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim upon the colony, but recommends the petitioner for employment by the Government if opportunity offers. 24th July, 1891.

No. 17, Sess. ll.—Petition of B. B. Meeedith, of Masterton. Petitionee states that he was instructed by the Whareama Eoad Board to remove certain obstructions from the East Coast Eoad, and in carrying out such instructions he became the defendant in an action for trespass, and had to pay the sum of £246 15s. lid. law costs in connection with the same. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that this Committee is of opinion that petitioner is entitled in equity to be paid the sum of £246 15s. lid., the amount of law costs incurred, and paid by him in defending a suit for trespass, which trespass occurred through him carrying out certain instructions by the Whareama Eoad Board. That such sum of money should be paid by the Wairarapa North County Council, into which the Whareama Boad Board has merged. That inasmuch as the Wairarapa North County Council now refuse to pay such costs, although having formerly agreed to do so, the Committee recommend the Government to bring in a Bill during this session giving power to Mr. B. B. Meredith to sue the Wairarapa North County Council, and to recover from them any damages that may be awarded to him, notwithstanding anylaw to the contrary. 28th July, 1891.