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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Return (additional) to an Order of the House of Representatives dated the 18th June, 1891. Ordered, " That a return of the several reductions in the public service of the colony since the Ist February, 1891, showing the names of the officers or other employes whose services have been dispensed with, the offices or appointments formerly held, and the salaries paid to them respectively, as well as the amount of compensation paid to each officer on his retirement; also a return of any reductions in the salaries of officers or other employes in the public service since the above date ; also a return of all appointments to the public service, whether of a permanent or temporary character, made since the above date, and the salary to be paid in each case, bo laid before thisHouse." —(Hon. Sir J. Hall.)

HAEBOUE DEFENCES. Eeturn showing particulars of Seductions in Staff, Seductions in Salaries, and Appointments made since the Ist February, 1891, supplied in accordance with an Order of the House of Eepresentatives of the 18th June, 1891. Officers dispensed with.

Salaries reduced. Nil. i Appointments made. ~nu.

Date at 'hich Dispensed with. Name. Office held. Salary per Compensation. Annum. 1st March... Watson, Thomas ... Stevenson, George C. Jones, E. L. Inspector of Works, Dunedin Draftsman, Head Office... Clerk, Head Office £ 250 250 185 it ' • •