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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Return to an Order of the House of Representatives dated 17th June, 1891. Ordered, " That a return be laid beforo this House showing the amount of receipts and expenditure for oaeh financial year from the Ist April, 1884, to the 31st March, 1891, of the Kumara Water-race and Sludge-channel.. Also a statement showing the value of sales of water from the Kumara Water-race, and of channel fees and gold recovered from sludge-channel, together with expenditure from Ist April, 1884, to 31st March, 1891."—(Mr. Guinness.)

Eeturn showing the Keceipts and Expenditure for each Financial Year from the Ist April, 1884, to the 31st March, 1891, of the Kumara Water-race and Sludge-channel. Receipts. £ s. d. I Expenditure. £ s. d. 1884-85 ... ... ... 11,044 11 5 1884-85 ... ... ... 7,817 14 8 1885-86 ... ... ... 12,747 12 4 1885-86 ... ... ... 7,670 12 5 1886-87 ... ... ... 11,315 1 2 1886-87 ... ... ... 7,356 10 3 1887-88 ... ... ... 9,327 16 9 1887-88 ... ... ... 5,243 4 4 1888-89 ... ... ... 8,117 2 2 1888-89 ... ... ... 5,309 711 1889-90 ... ... ... 4,421 11 0 1889-90 ... ... ... 4,638 9 2 1890-91 ... ... ... 7,836 9 2 1890-91 ... ... ... 2,874 5 4 Total ... ... £64,810 4 0 Total ... ... £40,910 4 1 The total cost of the Kumara Water-race and Sludge-channel has been £60,486 2s. lid., and taking the average profits for the last seven years on these works at £3,414 6s. it gives about 5| per cent, on cost of construction.

Statement showing the value of Sales of Water from the Kumara Water-race, and of Channel Fees and Gold recovered from the Kumara Sludge-channel, during the undermentioned Financial Years, together with the Expenditure for the same periods. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. 1884-85 ... ... ... 11,860 4 6 1884-85 ... ... ... 7,817 14 8 1885-86 ... ... ... 12,008 15 3 1885-86 ... ... ... 7,670 12 5 1886-87 ... ... ... 8,732 17 0 1886-87 ... ... ... 7,356 10 3 1887-88 ... ... ... 8,969 10 4 1887-88 ... ... ... 5,243 4 4 1888-89 ... ... ... 8,382 410 1888-89 ... ... ... 5,309 711 1889-90 ... ... ... 6,271 5 8 1889-90 ... ... ... 4,638 9 2 1890-91 ... ... ... 8,677 2 5 1890-91 ... ... ... 2,874 5 4 Total ... ... £64,922 0 0 Total ... ... £40,910 4 1 The total cost of the Kumara Water-race and Sludge-channel has been £60,486 2s. lid., and taking the average profits for the last seven years on these works at £3,430 ss. Id. it gives about 5-f per cent, on cost of construction. Mines Department, Wellington, 13th July, 1891. Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, nil; printing (1,200 copies), 17s, Gel, -5

Price 3d. By Authority : Geobge Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lB9l.