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Deae Sir, — Hamilton, 22nd June, 1891. I have applied to Mr. Oldham for a copy of circular re proposed tax on stallions, and he informs me that he has not received any, and knows nothing of such a document. I have to inform you that at a meeting of the club, held on Monday evening, the 22nd June, the following resolution was passed with only one dissentient: —■ Boeolved, This club views with alarm the proposed tax on stallions, and fails to see that it will improve our horses under existing circumstances, and objects most emphatically to the tax as an undue interference with the liberty of the subject. Will you please forward to Chief Inspector of Stock. I have, &c, The Inspector of Stock, Auckland. G. W. Baeton, Honorary Secretary.

Sic,— New Plymouth, 9th May, 1891. I have to acknowledge receipt of your circular of the 11th instant, with reference to the yearly licensing of stallions, and beg to inform you that the matter was considered at a committee meeting of the Taranaki Agricultural Society held this date, when the following resolution was. passed:— Besolved, That in the opinion of the committee it is not advisable to license stallions. I have, &c, Chief Inspector, Stock Department, Wellington. C. S. Mills, Secretary.

Sic, — Napier, Hawke's Bay, Ist May, 1891. Eeferring to your circular of the 11th of April, re the yearly licensing of stallions, I have the honour to inform you that at a meeting of this society, held this day, the following resolution was carried unanimously :-- Besolved, That this society is favourable to licensing all entire horses, and reaffirms the following resolution, which was passed at a meeting of the society held on the 3rd May, 1891 : " That this society recommends Ministers to introduce a Bill during the next session of Parliament to impose a fee of £10 on all entire horses of two years old and upwards after the Ist November of each year; fees so collected to be applied by way of premiums to all sire horses within such district; the amount of premiums to be awarded according to the decision of the judges, subject to regulations that may be drawn up for the purpose." I have, &c, William Beilby, Secretary, Hawke's Bay Agricultural and Pastoral J. D. Eitchie, Esq., Wellington. Society.

Deae Sik, — Wellington Agricultural and Pastoral Association, 12th June, 1891. Be taxing stallions : I am instructed by my committee to write you upon the above, stating that they decline to recommend the taxing of stallions by Government in New Zealand. John D. Eitchie, Esq., I have, &c, Government Buildings, Wellington. W. Heney Dat, Secretary.

Wairarapa and East Coast Agricultural and Pastoral Association, Sic, Carterton, 25th April, 1891. At a meeting of this society held to-day I was instructed to inform you that this society see no reason to recommend legislation with the view to the yearly licensing of stallions as, suggested by the circular from the Minister of Agriculture. J. D. Eitchie, Esq., Yours, &c, Chief Inspector of Stock, Wellington. E. W. Dokset, Secretary.

Deae Sik, — Palmerston North, 15th June, 1891. I have the honour to inform you that at a small meeting of my committee (only eight being present) on Saturday last your circular, re the yearly licensing of stallions, was discussed, and it was resolved to recommend that a yearly tax on stallions should be imposed. Yours, &c, CO. Miles, Secretary, Manawatu and West Coast Agricultural and Pastoral Association, Palmerston North. J. D. Bitchie, Esq., Chief Inspector of Stock, Wellington.

Sic, — Wanganui, Ist May, 1891. In reply to your circular of the 11th April I have the honour to convey to you herewith copy of a resolution which has been carried by the Wanganui Agricultural and Pastoral Association, subject, of course, to the approval of the Minister of Agriculture. The resolution is as follows : —■ Besolved, That all entires in the Wanganui district—that is, between the Waitotara and Eangitikei Eivers, be licensed at a fee of ten guineas each, and that no owner can recover fees for unlicensed horses. That it be necessary for all unlicensed horses to bear on their advertising cards the result of a veterinary surgeon's examination, to be made by a duly-qualified veterinary surgeon, 2—H. 39.