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Return of Accidents to Life and Limb— Continued.


lame and Address of Owner. Description of Machinery. Nanio of Person injured. Nature of Accident. Fatal or not. Cause of Accident and Remarks. Jrown and Richardson, Fortification Town, Mataura Flax-mill John Brown, aged 26 I Right arm torn; 14th Nov., 1890 Fatal It appears that Mr. John Brown, one of the owners, was showing a strange hand how to throw the flax into the scutcher, when by some means his arm was caught and drawn in, and torn in pieces. Death ensued through loss of blood during the time when he was being conveyed between Mohouta and Invercargill Hospital. At the inquest, on the 15th, before Coroner Rawson, Mr. Richardson and Dr. Stockwell gave evidence, the jury giving a verdict in accordance with the evidence ; but added a rider to the effect that no newly-erected machinery should be worked before being inspected by the Inspector of Machinery. The mill was not reported. This opening in the scutcher was formerly 2Jin.; it has now been reduced to 1-J-in. While sawing a piece of timber his hand slipped, coming against the front of the saw, cutting off one finger, and partially injuring another. This accident happened in the following manner : The fric-tion-gear, which is placed on deck on the port side, is enclosed in an open cast-iron framework, and consists of two bevel-wheels, with a pulley and band, with two levers connected with the strap. It would seem that one of the pins got loose, and the engineer, David McNidder, attempted to drive it in. while the machinery was in motion, making about sixty revolutions per minute. In doing this his hammer missed the pin and got caught in between the links, and in trying to clear it he overreached himself, getting caught by the wheels, and was immediately crushed up against the tumbler-framing, death being instantaneous. The friction-gear stands 3ft. 6in. above the deck, and works close, up to the tumblerframing. Messrs. Reid and Gray, Dunedin. Circular - saw David Swan, aged 45 Finger taken off Not Pranktou Beach Golddredging Company Steamdredge bucket David MeNidder, aged 46 Body crushed; 19th Feb., 1.891 Fatal