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No. of Shoep on May 31, IS'.H. April 30. 1891. Curtis, R. R., Feilding Davies, J. R., Kiwitea Davies, W. H., Aelmrst Death, a. GK, Fending Densham, H. D., Feilding Denton, T. 0., Kiwitea Derby, Henry, Tiiouui Dick, Alfred, Birminghom Donald, James, Palmerston North Downs, I)., Kimbolton, Feildfng Dunbar Brothers, Feildirrg Dunn, Mrs. L., Shannon Durling, L. J., AshiHst Edwards, Thomas, Pahnerston North Elkington, W. J., Feilding Ellerni, F. 8., Makino Emmett, J. W., Ashurst Engels, G. II., Palmerston North Eustace, John, Halcombe Fair, Charles, Palmerston North Fantliorpe, James, Birmingham Farmer, Alexander, Palmerstou North Faukauser, C, Birmingham Fenner, Frederick, Halcombe Ferguson, Alexander, Birmingham Fetch and Monekton, Feilding Fhlein, A., AshurstFinnes, A. H., Feilding Fitzherbert, C, Feilding Fitzsimons, Mrs. Ellen, Palmerston North ... Flyger, H. T., Palmerston North Flyger, Mrs. Alice, Palmerston North Forlong, Houlton, BuII'b Fowler Brothers, Fowlers Frampton, T. M., Feilding Francis, Claude, Asliurst, Francis, John, Ashurst Francis, P. &., Ashurst [friedrich, C. A., Beacousfield Friedrich, Gottfred, Marton Fry, J. H., Pungaiwi, Makino &agren, Carl, Apiti Gagren, Fritz, Apiti Garlick, James, Feilding Garlick, J. H., Feilding Garrity, Peter, Awahuri Gaskin, Geoige, Palmerston North Gawith, W. S., Palmers! on North Gibson, William, Feilding Gillies, H., Palmerston North Godfrey, W. R., Cunningham's Goldfinch, Arthur, Feilding Gore, Mrs. Emily, Palmerston Norlh Gower, Alfred, Ashurst Graham, John, Cheltenham Graham, Samuel, Apiti Grammer, A., Ashurst Grant, Donald, Pahnerston North Gray, Samuel, Palmerston North Gray, Thomas, Palmerston North Green, Andrew, Makino Green, Matthew, Stanway Greenhow Brothers, Ashurst Grice, Mrs. J. E., Cunningham's Griffiths, Charles, Paln.erston North Guy, Joeeph, Halcombe Guylee, J., Makino Hamapiri Arahori, Halcombe Hamilton, M., Longburn Hansen, Or-, Palmerston North Hare Brothers and Co., Cunningham's Harman, Samuel, Halcombe Harris, J. F., Birmingham Harrison, E. T., Feilding Harrison, J. S., Palmerston North Harrison and Collineon, Ashurst Hartley, J. and C, Rata Haybittle, W. G., Feilding Haynes, Thomas, Cheltenham Haythorno, B. C, Kiwitea Hazcll, Joseph, Feilding Hazell, Wiiliam, Bunnythorpe Heappey, Joseph, Halcombe Hedges," A. W., Kiwitea I IOO 1283 400 87 400 i 200 5OO I .syo ; 800 23 628 1700 380 180 790 400 5°° ! 100 95" 100 40 148 302 713 1100 300 8 "23 190 '83 500 650 500 241 7 + "34 ' 39° '525 Nil 288 37° 200 920 ;oo '373 11 ;o Nil' 90 Nil 2000 380 162 3000 400 joo '55 45° '5° 83 4 900 295 45° l°i 1200 200 2 434 378 78 5°° 118 800 5°° 379 5 20 16 3S5 200 32 52 3'jo 500 200 950 500 '96 300 54 552 230 80 83 585 500 60 1850 1000 93 660 700 102 Nil Nil 240 1500 "5° 446 6 3 I 350 ' 400 35° 300 500 394 524 400 75O 397 204 100 290 Nil 302 100 390 130 129 98 35° 95 250 1 90 8, 359 200 Nil 250 Nil 205 360 1 20 810 285 I 3.5O I 95 690 590 '283 1000 480 470 140 600

No. of Sheep on May 31, April 30 1890. 1891. Henaghan, M., Stoney Creek, Palmerston N. Henaghan, M., Palmerston North Heppell, W. H., Palmerston North Herst and Hartley, Marton Hewitt, Captain, Palruerslon Nbitb Hills, J. L., Aehurat Hitchings, V. 'J'., Burnside, Longburn Hitohman, George, Peilding Hodder and Williams, Longburn Ilolden, Louis, Bidgelands, Makino Holley. Eiohard, Asliurst Honor<5, A., jun., Palmereton North Hopkins, Ernest, Ashui'st Horn, J. and R , Kereru Homer, F. A., Birmingham Howell, H. W., Awahuri Hughey, David, Ashurst Humphrey, John, Feilding Hunt, C. A. W., Ashurst Hurley, John, Palmerston North Irwin, E., Makino Jackson, James, Liaton Jacob, Mrs. E. M., Ashurst Road, Mangaone Jacob, W. F., Kiwitea Jamps, J T, Halcombe James, T. P., Haleombe Jamieson Bros., Palmerston North Jansen, Christian, Taonui Jefferics, P., Bunnythorpe Jefferies, J., Bunny thorpe Jepsen, Jorgen, Bunnythorpe Johansen, B., Palmerston North Johnson, John, Stan way Johnston, James, Halcombe Jones, Gr. 11., Feilding Jones, H. P., Halcombe Jones, William, Cheltenham Jones and Roberts, Ashurst Karatea te Rotu, Mai'ton Kelsall, Joseph, Ashurst Kendall, G. and W. P., Palmerston North ... Kerete Ktmara, Martou Kidd, Robert, Kiwitea Kidd, George, Feilding Kilford, George, Ashurst Eilford, W. I'., ABhurst Kilgour, David, Kiwitea Kilsby Brothers, Palmerston North Kindberg, G. A., Palmerston North Kirkpatrick, Robert, Palmerston North Knight, George, Palmerston North Knight, John, L'nlmcrstoii North Knight, Samuel, Feilding Knight, Thomas, Palmerston Knight, William, Palmerston North Knott, Henry, Stoney Creek, Palmerston N. Knox, James, Birmingham Lancaster, S. R., Palmerslon North Lance, 0. II , Ilalccmbe Lance, II. B , Bushlands, Halcombe Lane, B. N., Ilalcotnbe Larsen, Hannn, Linton Law, Hans, AshurBt Lemon, Dp. C, Tua Paka (Wellington) Levett, C. A. J., Ratanui, Kiwitea Line, William, Kiwitea Linton, Robert, Woodlawn, Halcombe Lockjer, William, Kiwitea London, Charles, sen., Birmingham London, Jolm, Birmingham Loughlin, William, Stanway Lovelock, J. W., Palmerston North Lucas, G. R., Awahuri Luchusuki, F., Halcombe Luxford, G. H., Palmerston North Lynch, Jolin, Linlon Macdonald, Mrs. Sarah, Ashurst Mackay, James, Feilding Manson, J. (Executors of), Palmerston North Maiison, Thomas, Palmerstcn North Marshall, Isaac, Stanway Marshall, Thomas, Slanway Marshall and Brennan, Feilding Martin Brothers, Pemberton 200 200 170 2400 300 93° 190 480 1600 Nil 650 632 230 80 880 75 700 219 300 42 "75 750 700 47 560 300 1600 '37 50 35° 90 300 3305 580 130 398 397 200 975 6=5 200 270 800 140 290 ■jo 600 300 700 1100 100 100 278 300 398 '75° '45 200 200 161 ■ I 2 S icjo 400 97° 285 900 1600 122 760 600 200 '75 Nil 7 95 595 280 300 148 92 '395 1249 870 38 1072 389 1980 170 100 Nil 200 250 35oo 602 39° 200 691 770 150 95° 560 2CO 357 250 800 250 300 277 1000 35° 700 1100 '5° Nil 410 500 559 1700 162 200 1100 720 430 1900 200 120 41 1 214 843 490 2600 Nil 198 Nil 280 296 100 306 172 600 1247 17280 850 295 250 800 280 5° 200 486 136 423 275 600 1900 2'395 860 300 293 800 300