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Table K. Punishments for Prison Offences during the Year 1890. AUCKLAND PRISON.


Initials i of Offence for which punished. Prisoner. By whom reported. By whom sentenced. Punishment. W. B. Being in possession of a prohibited article Attempting to carry a letter out of the prison Being in possession of prohibited articles Fighting in the exerciseyard Disrespect to her officer, and refusing to go to her cell Fighting on the works The Gaoler T. Thompson, V.J. .. 1 day bread and water. W. M. Asst.-Wr. O'Donohuo C. La Eoche, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water, and to forfeit 84 marks. 1 day bread and water. T. E. Asst.-Warder Eethune T. Thompson, V.J. .. M. R. G. La Roche, V.J. E, McG. Asst.-Matron Irvine .. 2 days bread and water. D. B. E. W. J. McC. . W. Unnecessary noise in his cell Irreverent behaviour at Divine service Ditto Idleness PI.-Warder Rutherford Warder Russell Warder Denison Warder Crook P. F. DeQuincey.V.J. 8 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water, T. Thompson, V.J. .. J. D. O. G. M. R. O. G. J. H. A. H. Refusing to obey orders Unnecssary noise in his cell Refusing to obey orders and absenting himself from Divine worship Assaulting his officer Warder Russell Warder Ryan Warder Gideon Asst.-Warder Gillcspie Warder Russell P. F. DeQuincey, V.J. C. La Roche, V.J. R. W. Moody, V.J. .. C. La Roche, V.J. .. R. W. Moody, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. To forfeit 2 days' marks. To forfeit 3 days' marks. G. P. Asst.-Warder Watty.. P. F. Dc Quinoey, V.J. 2 days bread and water, and to forfeit 12 marks. 2 days bread and water. A. A. A. A. C. W. C. W. Fighting on the works Annoying a fellow-prisoner Refusing to get up at appointed time Insulting and threatening language to his officer Damaging his clothing Warder Coffey Warder Russell Warder Crook J. Newman, V.J. C. La Roche, V.J. 1 day bread and water. H. E. Asst.-Warder Watty.. M. B. E. H. J. H. Insulting and threatening language to his officer Creating a disturbance and using obscene language Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Asst.-Wr. O'Donohuc Asst.-Warder Treacey f 3 days bread and water. E. L. Asst.-Matron Irvine .. R. W. Moody, V.J. .. E. L. C. W. A. H. Escaping from legal custody Warder Ryan Warder Cofloy 0. La Boehe, V.J. .. Dr. Giles, R.M. 2 days bread and water. 9 months' imprisonment witb hard labour. To forfeit 12 marks. J. O'C. Attempting to send a clandestine letter out of the prison Loitering in his cell, and insolence to his officer Refusing to go to work Irreverent behaviour at Divine service Disrespect to his officer Fighting on the works The Matron 0. La Roche, V.J. .. H. C. Asst.-Warder Watty.. J. Newman, V.J. 1 day bread and water. A. H. G. R. The Chief Warder .. Asst.-Warder Watty .. C. La Eoohe, V.J. R. C. C, W. Asst.-Warder Gillespie Asst.-Wr. O'Donohue R. W. Moody, V.J. .. C. La Roche, V.J. 3 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water, and to forfeit 3 days' marks. To forfeit 4 days' marks. 1 month's imprisonment with. hard labour. Ditto. 1 day bread and water. 3 days bread and water. G. F. A. McL. Attempted escape The Gaoler'.. Dr. Giles', R.M. F. F. A. A. M.McM. Refusing to work Disobedience and threatening language to her officer Disobedience Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Attempting to carry a clandestine letter to a female prisoner Carrying on a clandestine correspondence with a male prisoner Threatening and insulting language Conveying a clandestine letter to a female prisoner Attempting a clandestine correspondence with a female prisoner Fighting on the works Obstructing his officer -in execution of duty Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Insulting language to fellowprisoner Insulting language to his officer The Matron 0. La Roche, V.J. ','. M. L. J. H. E, D. Asst.-Matron Irvine .. Asst.-Warder Hunter Asst.-Matron Irvine .. T. Thompson, V.J. .. C. La Roche, V.J. 2 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. 3 days bread and water. M.McM. M.McM. The Gaoler J. E. C. C. L. McD. J. H. Warder Russell Asst.-Warder O'Reilly T. Thompson, V.J. .. To forfeit 10 marks. 1 day bread and water. J. M. K. I. W, Warder Denison Asst.-Warder Hunter C. La Roche, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. I. W. Asst.-Warder Bethune