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every praise for their zealous and valuable services. On Sundays the boys landed and marched to their respective churches. 15. The ship has been largely visited during the year by young men formerly apprentices from the vessel. They all seemed respectable, respectful in their manner, and occupying fair positions. Eight hundred and twenty letters were received by me from former inmates of the ship. Every Wednesday a selection from these is read to the inmates who attend the library on that evening, and I anticipate good results from this practice. 16. The officers remain as at last report, and no changes have taken place. They continue to perform their duties in a cheerful and intelligent manner. A few changes have taken place amongst the lower officials. 17. The usual tables are appended. I have, &c, Predk. W. Neitenstein, Commander and Superintendent.

Summaby. A.— Work in connection with the "Vemon" for the Year ended 30th June, 1888. Total admissions ... ... ... ... 204 Total discharges ... ... ... ... 206 Average daily number on board under control ... ... 218 Average daily number of apprentices under control ... 420 Total average daily number under control ... ... 638 Cost yearly for average number on board ... ... £24 6s. sd. Cost yearly for all under control ... ... ... £8 13s. lid. Percentage of those known to be doing well of boys under control who have left during last six years... ... 93 per cent. Highest rate per week of wages to be earned by apprentices 10s. Lowest rate „ „ „ 6d. Wages and value of board, clothing, lodging, medical attendance, to be earned by boys now serving apprenticeship £45,878 Number of visits made to ship by young men now out of apprenticeship and quite free from control, some having been upwards of ten years away ... ... 194 Deaths on board during year ... ... ... None. School per diem of boys on board, each boy ... ... 3 hours. Value of industrial labour performed on board (no deduction made for this in estimating cost) ... ... £2,100 Average age of boys apprenticed ... ... ... 14-4 Average stay on board of those leaving the ship ... Under 14 months. Average period of apprenticeship ... ... ... 3-8 Letters received from former inmates ... ... 820 Information received from former apprentices ... ... 330

B.— Admissions and Discharges during the Year.

C.— Comparative Working, &c., Ten Years Ago and Now, showing Growth of Institution.

Particulars. No. Total. Particulars. No. Total. Admissions— Committals Eeturned, having been removed from unsuitable places Eeturned ill Eeturned, indentures cancelled for misconduct, absconding, &c. ... Eeturned, employers giving up business ■ Eeturned, medical department 2 3 ISO Discharges— Apprenticed to various, occupa- ; tions ... ... Boys under eleven removed by the State Children's Belief Department Discharged oil petition and otherwise ... it. I Absconded, not captured ... Aborigines Protection Board ... Medical department ... 120 42 15 41 1 1 1 3 1 24 Total admissions 204 Total discharges ... ! 206

For Year ending 30th June. Lclmissions Hscharges !ost per head (net), inmates only Lverage daily number 'otal number on board through year ... 1877. 63 78 £36 18s. 3d. 99 174 I 1887. 189 192 £26 13s. 8d. 214 404 1888. 204 206 £24 6s. 5d. 218 416