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British Possessions. Table indicating the Hour Meridians, numbered as on the Accompanying Map, which may be selected as Local Standards for reckoning Time in each of the several British Possessions.

Foreign Countries. Table showing the Hour Meridians, numbered as on the Accompanying Map, and conveniently situated for reckoning Time under the Hour-zone System.


[The last column gives iign plus indicates that loci the differences be' J reckonings are ii iweon local re i advance of, ickonings and the time of tr and minus that they are be' ic world— universe lind, world time i time. The each case.] Hour Meridians. Hour-zone Reckonings faster or slower than World Time. Hour Meridians. Hour-zone faster or slower than World Time. Countries. or West of Greenwich. MapCountries. or Welt of \™ Greenwich. mapThe British IslandsEngland and Wales .. Scotland Ireland Canada— Nova Scotia .. New Brunswick Prince Edward Island .. Quebec Ontario Manitoba Assineboia Saskatchewan Alberta Athabasca British Columbia Australasia — New South Wales Victoria Queensland Tasmania South Australia Western Australia New Zealand Fiji .. New Guinea Possessions in Asia— India Burmah Ceylon Hongkong Straits Settlements Labuan West India— Jamaica Turks Island British Guiana 0 0 0 60 west 75 „ GO „ 75 „ 75 „ 90 „ 105 „ 105 „ 120 „ 120 „ 120 „ 150 east 150 „ 150 „ 150 „ 135 „ 120 „ 165 „ 1C5 „ 150 „ 12 12 12 16 17 10 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 3 i 1 1 2 0 hours. 0 „ 0 „ - 4 „ - 5 - 4 5 -5 " - 6 „ - 7 "„ - 8 - 8 „ - 8 , + 10 „ + 10 „ + 10 „ + 10 „ + 9 „ + 8 „ + 11 „ + 11 „ + 10 „ West India— continued. Bahamas Trinidad Barbadoes Grenada British Honduras St. Vincent St. Lucia Tobago Antigua Montserrat St. Christopher Virgin Islands Dominica Possessions in Africa— Cape of Good Hope Bechuanaland Basutoland Natal Sierra Leone Gambia Gold Coast Lagos Miscellaneous— St. Helena Gibraltar Malta Cyprus Bermuda Falkland Islands Heligoland Aden Ascension Fanning Island Mauritius Newfoundland 75 west 60 „ 60 „ (SO „ 90 „ CO „ CO , CO „ CO „ GO „ 60 „ CIO „ 00 „ 30 east 30 „ 30 „ 30 „ 15 west 15 „ 0 „ 0 „ 17 16 16 16 18 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 10 10 10 13 13 12 12 - 5 hours. -4 „ - 4 - 4 - 6 „ - 4 „ - 4 q_ - 4 _ 4 - 4 "„ - 4 -4 „ + 2 + 2 J + 2 „ + 2 „ - 1 I 0 „ 0 „ 75 „ 90 „ 75 „ 120 „ 105 „ 120 „ 7 6 7 4 5 4 + 5 „ + 6 „ + 5 „ + 8 „ + 7 + 8 „ 0 „ 0 „ 15 east 30 „ CO west CO „ 15 east 45 , 15 west 150 „ CO east CO west 12 12 11 10 16 16 11 9 13 22 8 16 o , 0 » + 1 » + 2 „ - 4 " + 1 * + 3 ,„ - 1 -10 „ + 4 „ - 4 „ 75 west 75 „ CO „ 17 17 16 -5 „ - 5 „ -4 „

[The last column give; sign phis indicates that lc case.] 3 the differences between local reckonings and the time of the world—universi ical reckonings are in advance of, and minus that they are behind, world 1 time. The ;ime in each Hour Meridians. Hour-zone Reckonings faster or slower than World Time. Hour Meridians, Hour-zone Reckonings faster or slower than World Time. Countries. East No. on or West of New Greenwich. Map. Countries. Bast No. on or West of New Greenwich, Map. Argentine Republic Austria Hungary Belgium Bolivia Brazii Bulgaria Costa Rica Chili .. China Columbia Congo Denmark St. Domingo Egypt France Germany Greece Hawaii Honduras Hayti .. Italy Japan Mexico Netherlands Nicaragua Norway 60 west 15 east 0 — 60 west 45 „ 60 „ 30 east 90 west 75 „ 120 east 105 „ 75 west 15 east 15 „ 75 west 30 east 0 — 15 east 30 „ 150 west 90 „ "' 75 „ 15 east 135 „ 105 west 0 — 90 west 15 east 16 11 12 1G 15 1G 10 18 17 4 5 17 11 11 17 10 12 11 10 22 18 17 11 3 19 12' 18 11 - 4 hours + 1 „ 0 „ - 4 „ - 3 „ - 4 „ + 2 „ - C „ - 5 „ + 8 „ + 7 „ - 5 „ + 1 „ + 1 ,, - 5 „ + 2 „ 0 „ + 1 „ + 2 „ -10 „ - 6 - 5 „ + 1 „ + 9 „ 0 "„ - G „ + 1 „ Paraguay Persia Peru .. Roumania Siam Servia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Russia in Europe Russia in Asia .. GO west 60 east 75 west 30 east 105 „ 30 „ 0 — 15 east 15 „ 30 „ 45 „ 30 „ 105 „ 150 „ 135 „ 120 „ 105 „ 90 „ 75 „ 60 „ f>0 west 75 „ 00 „ 105 „ 120 „ 135 „ 150 „ CO „ 16 8 17 10 5 10 12 11 11 10 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 - 4 hours. + 4 „ - 5 + 2 „ + 7 „ + 2 „ 0 „ + 1 „ + 1 „ + 2 „ + 3 » + 2 „ + 11 „ + 10 „ + 9 „ + 8 „ + 7 , + G „ + 5 „ + 4 , -4 ■ 5 „ - 6 „ - 7 „ - 8 „ - 9 ,. -10 „ - 4 „ Uruguay United States .. Alaska Venezuela