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Executive Council Ohambek, Sydney, 7th Maech, 1891. Present: New South Wales—The Hon. Daniel O'Connor, M.P., Postmaster-General (President); S. H. Lambton, Esq., Secretary to the Post Office Department; E. C. Cracknell, Esq., Superintendent of Telegraphs. Victoria —The Hon. John Gavan Duffy, M.P., Postmaster-General; James SmiberC, Esq., Deputy Postmaster-General. South Australia—The Hon. Sir John Bray, K.C.M.G., Chief Secretary; Charles Todd, Esq., C.M.G., M.A., F.E.S., Postmaster-General. Queensland — The Hon. Theodore Unmack, M.P., Postmaster-General; John McDonnell, Esq., Under-Secretary to the Post and Telegraph Department. Tasmania—The Hon. B. Stafford Bird, M.P., Treasurer and Postmaster-General; Eobert Henry, Esq., Superintendent of Telegraphs. New Zealand— The Hon. J. G. Ward, M.P., Postmaster-General; William Gray, Esq., Secretary to the Post Office. Western Australia —The Hon. Sir John Bray, K.C.M.G., acting representative. The Conference having assembled at 10 o'clock, proceeded to further consider the report furnished by the heads of departments on the subject of uniform telegraph regulations, and the clauses having been taken seriatim were amended in certain particulars and adopted. The Conference then took into consideration the subject of intercolonial telegraph rates, as recommended by the heads of departments, when the Hon. B. Stafford Bird proposed the following resolution, which was carried, the Hon. Theodore Unmack dissenting: "That the report o£ the heads of departments as to telegraph rates and regulations be received, and that this Conference recommends to the various Governments the adoption, as far as practicable, of the rates and regulations recommended therein." The reports of heads of departments on various subjects [see Appendix] was further considered and concurred in. The Hon. J. G. Ward then moved the following resolution, which was agreed to, viz. : " That, in the opinion of this Conference, seeing the advantages to be derived by the United States for a mail-service to Australasia, the United States Government be urged to substantially subsidise any mail line between San Francisco, New Zealand, and' Australia." The Conference then considered the draft of the Australasian Postal Convention, which was amended, and adopted. The Conference adjourned at 11.30 o'clock until Monday at 10 o'clock.

Executive Council Chamber, Sydney, 9th Makch, 1891. Present: New South Wales—The Hon. Daniel O'Connor, M.P., Postmaster-General (President); S. H. Lambton, Esq., Secretary to the Post Office Department; E. C. Cracknell, Esq., Superintendent of Telegraphs. Victoria—The Hon. John Gavan Duffy, M.P., Postmaster-General; James Smibert, Esq., Deputy Postmaster-General. South Australia —The Hon. Sir John Bray, K.C.M.G., Chief Secretary ; Charles Todd, Esq., C.M.G., M.A., F. 8.5., Postmaster-General. Queensland— The Hon. Theodore Unmack, M.P., Postmaster-General; John McDonnell, Esq., Under-Secretary to the Post and Telegraph Department. Tasmania:—The Hon. B. Stafford Bird, M.P., Treasurer and Postmaster-General; Eobert Henry, Esq., Superintendent of Telegraphs. New Zealand—The Hon. J. G. Ward, M.P., Postmaster-General; William Gray, Esq., Secretary to the Post Office and Telegraphs. Western Australia —The Hon. John Forrest, C.M.G., M.L.A., Premier and Treasurer. The Conference having assembled at 10.30 o'clock, the minutes of the proceedings on the 6th and 7th instant were read and confirmed. A communication was then read from Mr. W. Warren, manager in Australasia of the Eastern Extension Australasia and China Telegraph Company, forwarding a telegram from the chairman of the company (Sir John Pender) on the subject of certain alterations in the draft agreement proposed to be entered into with the said company. Upon the motion of the Hon. John Gavan Duffy, the Conference resolved itself into a committee to consider the said telegram, and after conferring with Mr. Warren the Conference resumed, and accepted the proposals of the company, with amendments. The Hon. John Gavan Duffy then moved, and the Hon. B. Stafford Bird seconded the motion, " That the Conference insert a new clause 10, but are willing to meet the company in any practicable modification thereof that will effect the object of preventing the rates to dissenting colonies being altered without consent of contributing colonies." Carried. The Hon. John Gavan Duffy then moved the motion of which notice was given on the 27th instant, viz. : "That the Conference take into consideration the question of appointing representatives to the Postal Congress, Vienna." And, after explaining his intention, asked leave to withdraw the motion, and substitute the following motion, which was seconded by the Hon. B. Stafford Bird, and unanimously carried, viz.: "That this Conference recommends that the Governments of the various Australasian Colonies take steps to have their respective colonies adequately represented at the Postal Congress to be held at Vienna in May next." The Hon. John Gavan Duffy laid before the Conference a communication from Mr. S. V. Winter, of the Herald Office, Melbourne, on the subject of the reduction of Press telegraphic rates from New South Wales to Victoria. Ordered to be printed. The Hon. John Gavan Duffy also referred to the necessity for accelerated speed in the mailservice between South Australia and Victoria. The President promised to inquire into the matter. The President also laid before the Conference a letter from Mr. Warren, re Press rates on the New Zealand and Tasmanian cables in reference to the Federal Convention. Ordered to be printed. The Hon. J. G. Ward moved, and the Hon. Theodore Unmack seconded, the following motion: " That this Conference approves of the negotiations that are now understood to be under consideration of the Pacific Eailway Company for undertaking a Canadian Australian mail-service," and after debate, Mr. Ward withdrew the motion. The President read a telegram from the Agent-General on the subject of the proposed Canadian mail-service, which was ordered to be printed.