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Sess. 11.—1891. NEW ZEALAND.


Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

EEPOET OP THE DELEGATES. The colonies were all represented at the Conference. The Conference sat on the 26th and 27th February, and on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 7th 9th and 10th March. ' ' The following were the principal resolutions carried, viz. :— lietatlng to Postal Service. 1. That the Colonies of Australasia should accept the invitation to be present at the Postal Congress at Vienna. 2. That the Governments of the various Australasian Colonies take steps to have their respective colonies adequately represented at the Postal Congress to be held at Vienna in May next. 3. That the representatives of Australasia be instructed to advocate the admission of Australasia into the Postal Union, on condition that Australasia receives adequate representation, and that the maritime transit rates be not lowered without the consent of the countries maintaining the seaservices. ° 4. That, seeing the advantages to be derived by the United States from a mail-service to Australasia, the United States Government be urged to substantially subsidise any main line between San Francisco, New Zealand, and Australia. 5. That the system of dealing with letters relating to racing-sweeps and betting-transactions should be uniform throughout Australasia. The President objecting. 6. The draft of an Australasian Postal Convention, as submitted by heads of departments, was considered in detail, and after some alterations was adopted. Telegraph Service. 1. That intercolonial Press telegrams relating to the proceedings of the Australian National Convention now sitting be reduced by one-half. 2. That the report of heads of departments as to telegraph rates and regulations be received and that the Conference recommends to the various Governments the adoption, as far as practicable' of the rates and regulations recommended therein. Queensland objecting. Draft Agreement with the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company. 3. The Conference, after fully considering the amendments made in the said draft agreement and the telegram from Sir John Pender, the chairman of the company, approve of the draft agreement, subject to certain alterations, and with the condition that the said company will not, during the continuance of the agreement, directly or indirectly, in any manner howsoever, alter the rates set forth in the third schedule to such agreement without the consent in writing of the contracting colonies. ■ ° 4. That an agreement be entered into between the Colonies of New South Wales, Victoria South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania—-(1) In regard to their joint contribution to the Eastern Extension Company for the reduction of cable rates to Europe on the terms approved between the colonies and the company; (2) in regard to the joint contribution of the said colonies to the payment of the cable subsidies to the Eastern Extension Company, including the Tasmanian cable subsidy ; and (3) in regard to the joint contributions of the said colonies to the guarantee I—F. 8.