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TABLE U.—Inmates, 1889 and 1890.

The decline in the number of children has been attended by a diminution in the cost of the Government schools to the extent of about .€2,000; and the amount recovered (from Charitable Aid Boards and parents) has exceeded by about €900 the corresponding amount for the preceding year. The services of the Visiting Officer have been dispensed with; and arrangements have just been made with the Police Department for a regular collection, week by week, of sums payable by parents for the maintenance of their children. Table W shows the cost of the Government schools for 1890.

TABLE W. —Cost of Government Schools, 1890.

TABLE X.—Government Expenditure on Private Schools, 1890.

The Trustees of the Costley Institute, which has the guardianship of a considerable number of young persons that were formerly inmates of the Auckland Industrial School, have sent in their annual report and accounts, and these have been printed, and will be laid before Parliament (E.-3a), University of New Zealand and Affiliated Colleges. The report presented to His Excellency by the Chancellor of the New Zealand University is printed as a parliamentary paper (E.-5). The degrees conferred consequent upon the examinations of 1890 are as follows: M.A., 15; 8.A., 36; B.Sc, 1; M.8., 3; LL.B., 7: total, 62. The graduates admitted upon examination now number 279 : M.A., 95 ; M.A. and LL.D., 1 ; M.A. and

Boardi :d ou: Besidence. Besidence. Ai t Service, &c. Toti lis. oB © © P £ d p o o R o CO tH © © P © © p d s s s © ? 'goo 6 3 © © © a p p o d <g 3 SB* & o o iS n pi CO CO © p © d CO o a I I o 0 © Q) R R rovernment Schools— Auckland, Kohimarama.. „ Parnell Burnham Caversham .ocal School— Thames 'rivate Schools— St. Mary's, Auckland St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson 48 20 202 183 3 3 12 9 45 17 190 174 53 9 96 122 11 .. 10 4 .. 14 .. .. ! 28 .. ! 3 43 13 110 94 8 37 28 186 171 6 15 4 3 34 6 22 5 ! 181 .. j 186 10 6 .. j 1 j 14 483 138 57 484 476 17 1 16 122 5 | 52 3 | 481 22 ! 454 18 i 1 1 44 24 241 ~2 ! '.'. ..35 . 44 26 i 206 0 1 36 1 •• 7 50 26 277 '2 i ! .. 50 ; .. 28 i 28 ! 249 j 74 j 1,454 j •• I I I I 1 I Totals 454 27 427 600 20 j 70 j 544 471 26 1,525 ! 8| I

School. Cost of School. Cost of boarding out.: Recoveries. Net Cost. i Cost of School. Cost of boarding out. I ! Recoveries. Net Cost. _^ I I £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Auckland .. .. .. 502 11 9 359 19 0 215 1 5 647 9 10 Kohimarama .. .. .. J ,467 0 1 806 3 6 50117 1 1,771 6 6 Burnham .. .. .. 2.930 14 4 3,458 12 2 3,654 111 2,735 4 7 Caversham .. .. .. 2,654 1 3 8,169 19 1 j 4,368 5 9 1,455 14 7 : : Totals .. .. 7,554 7 5 7,854 14 3 8,799 6 2 6,609 15 6 Salary and expenses of Visiting Officer .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 209 13 7 £ s. d. 647 9 10 1,771 0 6 2,735 4 7 1,455 14 7 7,854 14 3 6,609 15 0 209 13 7 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,819 9 1 6,819 9 1 The Government expenditure on "private" schools—shown in Table X— sxceeds by ,£37 the corresponding expenditure for 1889. The " local" school at the Thames is maintained by the local authorities.

School. Payments. Becoveries. Net Expenditure by Government. St. Mary's, Ponsonby (Auckland) St. Joseph's, Wellington St. Mary's, Nelson £ s. a. 542 11 0 124 8 0 1,574 18 1 £ s. d. 35 7 0 7 10 4 220 18 2 £ s. d. 507 4 0 110 11 8 1,353 19 11 2,241 17 1 2,241 17 1 264 1 6 1,977 15 7