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Statement of Advances made by Government out of Road Votes to Local Bodies in the Westland Land District during the Year ended the 30th June, 1890.

CANTERBURY. Practically no new road-works, except a few tracks cut at the Mount Cook glaciers, have been done under my supervision this year. I have tabulated the particulars of a few balances I have paid on account of various road-works previously undertaken. I have no knowledge of any loans under "The Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1889," being paid to local bodies in this district. 29th July, 1890. John H. Baker, Chief Surveyor.

Road-works in Canterbury.

John H. Baker, Chief Surveyor.

Report on Roads, by the Assistant Engineer, Christchurch. Kaikoura to Clarence Boad. —This work Avas proceeded with up to the end of November, 1889, when all the " unemployed " were paid off, and this work was closed. The formation of the road was completed from 5 miles 50 chains from the Clarence Bridge up to 1 mile 47 chains from the same bridge, and the greater part of it was metalled. Construction in Bealey Valley. —The formation of a new road in the Bealey Valley, to avoid the numerous crossings of the Bealey Eiver, was proceeded with up to the end of November, 1889, when the work Avas stopped, as all the "unemployed" in Canterbury were paid off. A small deviation, beginning at 46 miles 52 chains from Springfield, and ending at 46 miles 68 chains, Avas formed. This deviation, saved two crossings of the river. Another deviation, Avhich starts at 47 miles 19 chains from Springfield, Avas continued, and the formation of a length from 47 miles 40 chains to 47 miles 70 chains Avas finished, and from 47 miles 70 chains to 48 miles 20 chains was partly done. The bush vjas all cleared off, and the road-line graded and mo_st of the light work done. At 48 miles there is some heavy rockwork, and Avhen the Avorks were stopped this rock-cutting Avas in hand. Catlin's to Waikawa Boad. —ln January, 181)0, the supervision of the road-construction on the Catlin's-WaikaAva Eoad Avas transferred from the Chief Surveyor, Dunedin, to me. When I took charge the bulk of the formation was completed up to about 25 chains from the Catlin's Eiver, and between that point and the river the swampy ground had been drained -by means of tAvo side ditches,

._ 1 ocal Body and Work. Clearing, formation, and metal. Amount of Contract. Subsidy paid by Government. Dray-roads. | Bridle-roads. i Westland County Council— Bald Range Road, construction... Tucker Elat Road, construction Kumara to Hokitika, maintenance 3-rey County Council— Grey Valley to Teremakau Track, construction ... Baird's Terrace to Lake Brunner Track, construction Ahaura to Kumara Road, maintenance ... Miles. Miles. 1-34 0-56 19-00 I & s. 641 19 170 19 1,200 10 d. 0 6 0 & 250 85 100 s. a. 0 0 9 9 0 0 4-00 947 6 0 900 0 C 1-75 46-00 290 15 1,885 6 0 4 125 960 0 c 0 c

Road. Expenditure during Year 1889-90. Remarks. Upper Ashley, over Kuku Pass £ s. d. 75 0 0 32 0 0 Further payment on account of work reported on last year: a small balance is still due, waiting until T can inspect the work. Balance of amount due on work previously reported Mount Grey Downs (Loburn to Kowai) jlentui Forest 15 0 0 on. Balance of amount due on work previously reported Mount Cook glaciers 55 10 6 27 15 9 on. Mr. Wither reports about 330 chains of tracks have been cut at a cost of £55 10s. 6d.; but the expenditure, including preparation of plans for foot-bridge, advertising same, and travelling-expenses, amounts to £79 11s. 9d. Done by Waitaki County Council; correspondence not passed through this office. < Eeserve 1263. About 70 chains of road-formation in the village settlement at Pighunting Creek. Dhau Bridge Village and deferred-payment blocks