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mining districts, and Avater-races. Many of these are frequently amended or altered, and necessarily complete record-maps of all must be maintained. This is all in addition to the record work relative to .the opening and disposal of Crown lands. The proclamation-w-ork formerly done by the Public Works Department is under the charge of Mr. Short for the text and of Mr. Flanagan for the plans. During the year 80 proclamations have been prepared, entailing the examination of 150 plans and 47 descriptions; 7 Royal Commissions were prepared and issued, mainly to settle differences between local authorities; 38 warrants to take roads were also issued ; and 19 proclamations are in hand. The two printing-machines have been kept fairly constantly at work, and have turned out 926,623 impressions of 907 separate printings. The hand-presses, being mainly engaged on circular work and preparing for machines, have turned out 62,421 impressions. A new lens and camera, capable of taking negatives 30in. by 30in., haA7e been obtained; but in consequence of the press of work they have not yet been set up. The department has now an establishment capable of printing every kind of lithographic, photographic, and some of the "process" work of older countries. The Avork done will compare well Avith larger places, and but for the necessity of great economy in the drawing portion might be made as good as the best. It is sometimes vexatious that so little time can be given to working out the details of photographic processes; yet, in the midst of a constant flow of work, Mr. Eoss, the chief of the Lithographic Office, occasionally finds time to make a step forward in something new. A. Barron, The Surveyor-General. Superintendent.