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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1890-91. CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT— continued. 11 VOTE No. 68— continued. Salaries — continued. Invercargill — 2 Clerks, 1 at £235,1 at £200 ... Hanger £ 435 275 Less Contributions from Votes — Coalfields ... ... £100 Public Trust Office ... 50 11,293 150 12 Other Chaeges— Travelling Expenses, Advertising, Rent of Officee, extra clerical assistance, and Old Soldiers' Claims 11,143 6,500 Total—Vote No. 68 17,643 THERMAL SPRINGS EXPENSES. 1890-91. Total number of officers ... 1 1 VOTE No. 69. Hanmer Plains — Salaries — Inspector of Works and Caretaker Other Charges — Contingencies—Improvements of Baths, Springs, <&c. ... 200 500 2 300 Total—Vote No. 69 COALFIELDS. Expenses under " The Westland and Nelson Coalfields Administration Act, 1877 " — VOTE No. 70. Salaries — Contribution to " Crown Lands " vote 150 100 Other Charges— Contingencies 50 Total —Vote No. 70 SURVEY DEPARTMENT. 1 2 3 4 5 1890-91. Total number of officers and artisans ... 172 VOTE No. 71. Salaries — Surveyor-General (also Secretary of Crown Lands) ... Superintendent (Head Office)... 8 Chief Surveyors (also Commissioners of Crown Lands): 2 (Wellington and Canterbury) at £500, 1 (Auckland) at £475, 4 (Hawke's Bay, Southland, Taranaki, and Westland) at £450,1 (Marlborough) at £380 2 Chief Surveyors (Otago and Nelson) at £450 22 District Surveyors, 1 at £375, 1 at £355, 7 at £325, 4 at £300, 3 at £290,1 at £275,1 at £270, 2 at £260, 2 at £250 35 Assistant Surveyors, 1 at £240, 2 at £230, 2 at £220, 2 at £210, 2 at £200,2 at £190, 2 at £180,2 at £175, 2 at £170, 2 at £165, 2 at £160, 2 at £155, 2 at £150, 1 at £145, i at £140, 1 at £135, 1 at £130,1 at £125, 1 at £120, 1 at £115,1 at £110,1 at £L05, 1 at £100 1 Road Surveyor ...*" 10 Chief Draughtsmen, 3 at £350, 1 at £325, 1 at £312, 1 at £285, 3 at £275, 1 at £250 700 525 3,655 900 6,640 7 8 5,875 315 3,047 -M_R 7.