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Appropriations jar Consolidated Fund Services.

h I Salaries. j Oilier Charges. I Total. £ £ £ t rote 59. —Public Buildings ... 1,515 28,500 80,015 „ 60.—School Buildings I ! 36,100 36,100 „ 61. —Government Domains 900 900 ! ! TOTAL OF CLASS XII. 1,515 65,500 67,015

Item. 1890-91. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. £ £ £ 1890-91. Total number of oiBoors ... 7 ! VOTE No. 59. 1 ' 8A1ABIE8 — Architect and Assistant Engineer ... ... 350 Chief Draughtsman ... ... ... j 300 Accountant ... ... ... 235 Draughtsman ... ... ... i 225 Clerk ... ... ... 225 Clerk ... ... ... 180 1,515 Oth eh Chabgks— Additions, Repairs, Fittings, Furniture, tyc. — Government Houses —■ Government House. Auckland, Bepairs to mansion and out-buildiDga, extension of lodge, and sanitary improvements ... ... ... I 700 3 : Government House, Wellington, Services incurred in I preparations for new Governor, drainage, &c. ... 1,000 Government Buildings throughout the Colony — 4 Departmental Buildings ... ..." ... 2,000 5 Departmental Buildings, Sanitary improvements, &c. 3,000 6 Parliamentary Buildings ... ... ... 500 7 Parliamentary Buildings, Sanitary improvements, &c. ' 1,000 8 Parliamentary Buildings, painting ... ... 500 9! Courthouses" ... ... ... 1,500 10 : Gaols ... ... 500 11 j Terrace Gaol, Purchase of part of site ou expiry of lease, in lieu of increased rent ... ... 750 12 Police-stations ... ... ... 2,000 13 I Customhouses ... ... '... 200 14 Post and Telegraph Offices ... ... ... 2,500 15- Lunatic Asylums ... ... ... I 600 16 Lunatic Asylums, Sanitary improvements ... | 1,500 17 Gas ... ..." ... j 5,000 18 j Water-supply ... ... ... | 2,000