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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

— i. 18! Item 1890-91. £ EDUCATION DEPABTMENT-~omj*»W£ £ £ VOTE No. 45— continued. Industrial Schools — continued. Burnham — Manager at £180, and Matron at £60 ... ... 240 Schoolmaster ... ... ... 175 Schoolmistress ... ... ... 50 Servants ... ... ... 361 Caversham — Manager at £225, and Matron at £100 ... ... 325 Surgeon (also Gaol £100) .. ... ... 100 Schoolmaster at £150, and 1 Assistant at £100 ... j 250 Servants ... ... ... 404 240 175 50 361 5 325 100 ! 250 404 2,615 2,615 6 7 s 9 Other Charges — Maintenance — Provisions, Fuel, Light, Clothing, Bedding, Medical j Attendance, &c. ... ... ... ! 5,300 Boarding-out of Children ... ... ... 7,500 Eent and Insurance, Auckland and Kohimarama ... 185 Maintenance of Children in Private Industrial Schools, viz.: St. Mary's, Ponsonby; Thames Orphanage; St. Joseph's, Wellington; St. Mary's, Nelson ... 2,250 Contingencies ... ... .... 100 5,300 7,500 185 2,250 100 10 I i 15,335 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The | Public Revenues Act, 1882 " ... ... j 7,850 15,335 7,850 — 7,485 Total—Vote No. 45 ... ... 7,485 10,100 1890-91 Total number of officers ... 6 VOTE No. 46. School fob Deaf-Mutes— Salaries — Director ... ... ... j 500 5 Assistants ... ... ... I 665 1 •2 1,165 3 4 5 Other Charges — ' Eent ... ... ... 460 Board of Pupils ... ... ... 1,350 Contingencies ... ... ... i 250 2,060 Less estimated credits under section 10 of " The Public Revenues Act, 1882" ... ... ! 300 1,760 Total—Voxb No. 46 .., ... 2,925 VOTE No. 47. Miscellaneous Sektices — Other Charges — Grant towards the foundation of a Working-men's College and Technical Institute, at Duuedin ... 50 50 50 - . [■ Total—Vote No. 47 ... ...}• i