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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Seroices.

i Salaries. Other Charges. I Total. £ £ £ ote 85. —Customs Offices and Services ... 28,912 4,500 83,412 „ 86.—Customs : Miscellaneous Services 468 2,077 2,545 ,, 37. —Marine and Harbours... 16,360 13,414 29,774 | „ 38.—Marine : Miscellaneous Services 10,465 10,465 TOTAL OF CLASS VI. 45,740 45,740 30,456 76,196

tern. 1890-91. £ £ CUSTOMS OFFICES AND SERVICES. 1890-91. Total u umber of officers ... 129 2 VOTE No. 35. Salaiues— Head Office— Secretary for Customs and Marine ... ... ! 600 Chief Clerk ... ... ... ! 900 Clerk ... ... i 150 Clerk ... ... ... 140 Clerk (Audit) ... ... ... 250 Clerk (Audit) ... ... ... 160 Writer (Audit) ... ... ... 187 Cadet ... ... ... | 70 Gauging Officer ... ... ... ! 300 Messenger and Storeman ... ... 140 Auckland — Collector ... ,., ... j 550 Landing Surveyor ... .. ... ; -375 First Clerk ... ... ... 300 5 Clerks, 1 at £210, 1 at £150, 1 at £140. 2 at £130 ... 700 Cadet ... ... ... ' 70 Clerk and Warehouse Keeper... ... ... 238 5 Landing Waiters and Examining Officers, 1 at £275, 1 at £260, 1 at £250, 1 at £225, 1 at £185 ... 1,105 Tide Surveyor and Examining Officer ... ... 200 3 Lockers, 1 at £180, 1 at £160,1 at £150 ... 400 ; 6 Lockers (Writers), 3 at £187, 1 at £185, 1 at £177, 1 at £160 ... ... ... 1,092 Messenger ... ... ... 110 Boatman and Engine-driver Steam Launch, 8s, per diem | 146 Whangarei — Coastwaiter ... ... 50 ' Whangaroa — Coastwaiter ... ... ..." 50 New Plymouth — Officer in Charge ... „ ... .,„ 230 j Wanganui — Collector ... ... ~~ ... 375 ; 3 4 5 6