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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

Item. 1890-91. CHIEF OFFICES AND SUB-OFFICES— continued. 292 293 294 VOTE No. 27— continued. | Salabtes— continued. Suh-Offices, Invercargill —continued. Riverton — Postmaster (also District Land Officer) ... Messenger Thornbury— Postmaster (also Railway £.130) Waipalii— Postmaster (also Railway £119) "Winton — Postmaster (also Railway £71) Woodlands — Postmaster (also Railway £77) Wyndham— Postmaster (also Registrar of Births, &c.) Messenger 81 Country Postmasters New Stations, Telegraphists, Cadets, and Messengers 230 28 30 11 295 293 89 297 53 170 26 450 3,800 293 299 Less estimated credits under section 10 of "The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 135,439 4,500 Total—Vote No. 27 ... 130,939 TELEGRAPH CABLE SUBSIDIES. VOTE No. 28. Contingent Subsidy 309 Total—Vote No. 28 ... 309 TELEGRAPH CABLE REPAIRS. VOTE No. 29. Telegraph Cable Repairs 3,270 Total—Vote No. 29 ... 3,270 TELEGRAPH EXTENSION. VOTE No. 30. Telegraph Extension 3,085 Total Vote No. 30 ... 3,085 CONVEYANCE OF MAILS BY SEA. 1 2 8 4 5 f.i VOTE No. 81. Other Chakgeb— Bluff and Stewart Island Chatham Islands Service ...,_ Blind Bay Service San Francisco Service ... ..7 Interprovincial Service (San Francisco Service) Suez Services ,,. .., ,... 150 200 150 10,84,9 3,154 600