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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1890-91. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ Vote 13. —Treasury Department 6,065 100 6,165 „ 14.—Friendly Societies Registry Office 585 860 1,445 „ 15.—Property-tax Department 4,930 2,000 6,930 „ 16. —Treasury : Miscellaneous Services 7,240 7,240 TOTAL OF CLASS III. 11,580 0,200 21,780 Item. 1890-91. TEEA8UET DEPARTMENT. 1890-91. Total number of officers 32 £ £ X VOTE No. 13. Salaeies —■ Secretary to the Treasury, Receiver- and PaymasterGeneral ... ... . 600 Accountant ... ... ... 400 Cashier ... ... ... 325 Corresponding Clerk ... ... ... 300 Clerk in charge of Pay and Revenue Offices ... 300 19 Clerks, 1 at £300, 1 at £235, 2 at £225, 1 at £200, I at £190, 3 at £180, 1 at £170, 2 at £160, 6 at £150, 1 at £130 ... ... ... 3,435 \ 6 Cadets, 2 at £70, 4 at £60 ... ... ... 380 ' 2 Binders, 1 at £3 10s. and 1 at £2 15s. per week ... 325 I 600 400 325 300 300 3,435 380 ' 325 ; I 6,065 ; Otheu Chabgkes— Contingencies ... ... ... 100 6,065 2 100 Total—Vote No. 13 ... ... 6,165 FEIENDLT SOCIETIES' EEG-ISTEY OFFICE. 1890-1891. Total number of officers .. 3 VOTE No. 14. Salaeies — Eegistrar and Actuary ... ... ... 325 Sensing Barrister... .u ... ... 50 Clerk ... ... ... ... 210 I 585 2 8 t Othbb Chas&es — —— Cost of valuations, sickness returns, and statistical cards 650 Extra clerical assistance ... ... ... 160 Contingencies ... ... ... ... 50 ■i 860 . 1,445 Total —Vote No. 14 .... ...