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'age. 1890-91. Summary of Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund. £ £ ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT. 26,300 1,875,622 242,161 4 (i Pekmanent Appropbiations— Civil List Interest and Sinking Fund Tinder Special Acts of the Legislature 2,144,083 9 11 16 IS 2S 48 58 56 ABM UAL AHfEOPEIATIOHS — Class I. —Legislative Departments Class II. —Colonial Secretary's Department Class III.—Colonial Treasurer's Department Class IV.— Justice Department ... Class V. —Postal and Telegraph Department Class VI.—Customs and Marine Departments Class VII. —Stamps and Deeds Department ... Class VIII.—Minister of Education — Education Department Lunacy and Charitable Department Class IX.—Native Affairs Department Class X.—Mines and Lands Departments ... Class XI. —Working Railways Department ... Class XII. —Public Buildings and Domains Department Class XIII. —Defence Department 14,895 73,720 21,780 116,697 263,812 76,196 21,313 373,764 62 64 OS 71 42,415 22,213 46,587 681,497 73 67,015 159,515 1,981,419 Total Ordinary Revenue Account ... 4,125,502 LAND FUND ACCOUNT. 79 PiSKMANJONT APPROPRIATIONS— Under Special Acts of the Legislature 20,300 79 Annual Appeopiuations— Class XIV. —Crown Lands and Survey Departments Class XV. —Kates on Crown Lands 92,080 2,400 83 Total Land Fund Account 115,680 Total Consolidated Fund 4,241,182 84 PUBLIC TEUST OFFICE EXPENSES ACCOUNT - 8,29. 85 GOVERNMENT INSURANCE ACCOUNT 44,05: