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J3. —6.

Table No. 19. Exports of Home Produce per Head of Adult Males for New Zealand, Victoria, and New South Wales.

Table No. 20. Flockowners in the Colony, 1881-89.

Table No. 21. Numbee of Sheep in the Colony, 1880-89 (according to returns made to Stock Department). 1880 .. .. .. 11,530,623 j; 1885 .. .. .. 14,546,801 1881 .. .. .. 12,190,215 1886 .. .. .. 15,174,263 1882 .. .. .. 12,408,100 1887 .. .. .. 15,155,626 1883 .. .. % 13,306,329 1888 .. .. .. 15,042,198 1884 .. .. ~ 13,978,520 1889 .. .. .. 15,423,328


Exports. Now Zealand. Victoria. New Soutli WaloB. 1875-79. Value home prepuce per head, mean population „ „ adult males £ a. a. 14 0 2 47 8 11 £ s. a. 12 10 8 46 1 9 £ s. a. 16 14 4 58 12 4 Value home produce, less wool and gold, per head, mean population .. „ „ „ adult males 2 9 3 8 7 0 4 17 9 17 19 4 7 17 4 27 11 8 Value home produce, less wool, gold, wheat, and oats, per head, mean population adult males 1 10 11 5 4 9 4 16 4 17 14 3 7 17 1 27 10 11 1880-84. 12 9 5 44 8 9 14 0 5 53 6 3 16 9 5 57 14 11 Value home produce per head, mean population „ adult males Value home produce, less wool and gold, per head, mean population adult males 4 9 3 15 17 11 7 5 4 27 12 9 G 3 8 21 IS 9 Value home produce, less wool, gold, wheat, and oats, per head, mean population adult males 2 14 0 9 12 5 6 S 10 24 9 11 G 3 4 21 12 6 Value home produce per head, mean population „ „ adult males 1885-89. 12 1 2 44 1G 8 1885-88. 10 7 0 39 7 3 1885-89. 13 10 G 48 9 G Value home produce, less wool and gold, per head, mean population .. „ adult males 5 0 0 18 11 10 5 14 3 21 14 3 5 8 1 18 18 10 Value home produce, leas wool, gold, wheat, and oats, per head, mean population adult males 4 17 .15 3 G 5 G 6 20 5 0 5 7 8 18 17 8

Numbe: of Flocki owners. Sizes of Flocks. I I 1881. 18S2. I 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. 1887. 1888. I 1889. Under 500 .. 500 and under 1,000 1,000 „ 2,000 2,000 „ 5,000 5,000 „ 10,000 10,000 „ 20,000 i 20,000 and upwards .. 4,727 704 500 350 23G 201 139 4,685 5,039 844 970 552 C09 416 | 407 225 I 244 209 | 200 133 ( 149 5,422 1,033 672 473 256 211 154 5,622 1,146 718 505 270 213 157 6,024 1,189 747 532 263 228 166 G,247 1, 189 723 531 289 221 166 6,579 1,182 794 524 287 213 166 7,063 1,381 826 597 279 239 152 Totals .. 0,857 6,857 7,064 7,678 8,221 8,631 9,149 9,316 9,745 10,537