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Dunedin, 10th February, 1890. The Commissioners met in the Education Office at 10 a.m. Present: James Fulton, Esq., M.H.E.; Eev. Butherford Waddell; Colin Allan, Esq.; and Frederic Jones, Esq., M.H.E. for Heathcote, one of the Commissioners, was also present. The Secretary, Mr. Eobert Leckie, read the Commission. Mr. John Hanson, Inspector of Factories, was examined, and at 11.20 the Commission adjourned till 2in the afternoon. On resuming at 2 o'clock, Mr. Silas Spragg, reporter, was examined. The Commission adjourned at 3.5.

Dunedin, 11th Febkuaky, 1890. The Commission met at 10 o'clock. Present: Messrs. Fulton, Waddell, Allan, and Jones. Miss H. Morrison, Vice-President of the Tailoresses' Union, Miss A., and Miss H. Burrows were examined ; and John Hanson was recalled and examined. The Commission adjourned at 10 minutes past 1 till 7 p.m. On resuming, Miss B. and Miss D. were examined. The Commission adjourned at 9.20.

Dunedin, 12th Febbuaby, 1890. The Commission sat at 10 a.m. Present: Messrs. Fulton, Waddell, Allan, and Jones. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mrs. E., manufacturer of shirts and mantles, and Mrs. F., shirtmaker, were examined The Commission adjourned at 12.30.

Dunedin, 13th Febeuaby, 1890. The Commission sat at 10 a.m. *" Present : Messrs. Fulton, Allan, Waddell, and Jones. The minutes of previous' meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. John A. Miller, master mariner, Secretary, Seamen's Union and Tailoresses' Union, and Mr. T. E. R. Fearnley, late tram-conductor, were examined and gave evidence. The Commission, at 1.15 p.m., adjourned till 7 p.m. On resuming, Miss G. and Miss H., stocking-knitters, were examined and gave evidence. The Commission adjourned at 8.45 p.m.

Dunedin, 14th Februaky, 1890. The Commission sat at 10 a.m. Present: Messrs. Fulton, Waddell, Jones, and Allan. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. Eobert Slater, President, Trades and Labour Council; David Pinkerton, bootmaker; Miss J., bag-maker; Miss X., shirt machinist; Miss L., shirt machinist; and Henry Eodda, bootmaker, were examined and gave evidence. The Commission adjourned at 12.45, and sat in the evening from 7 to 8.15.

Dunedin, 17th February, 1890. The Commission sat at 10 a.m. Present: Messrs. Fulton, Waddell, Jones, and Allan. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Eev. Andrew Cameron appeared before the Commission, and said he would get some witnesses in the milk trade. Mr. M., tram-conductor; Mr. James Henderson, dairyman; Mr. N., dairyman; Messrs. 0., P., and Q., drapers' assistants; Mr. T. Howard, Secretary, Early-closing Association; Mr. J. Todd, Vice-President of same; and Mr. W. E. Burley, cabinetmaker, were examined and gave evidence. The Commission adjourned at 12.40, and sat in the evening from 7.30 to 10.15.

Dunedin, 18th February, 1890. The Commission sat at 10 a.m. Present: Messrs. Fulton, Waddell, and Allan. The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed. James Williams, Manager and Secretary of City and Suburban Tramways; Mr. Walter Newbury, hairdresser; Mr. Joseph Braithwaite, bookseller; Mr. S., President of the Otago Branch of