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Table K—continued. Punishments for Prison Offences during the Year 1889— continued. AUCKLAND PRISON— continued.



Initials of ?risouer. Offence for which punished. By whom reported. By whom sentenced. Punishment. E.W. W. McL. J. G. E. L. Fighting on the works | Fighting Wilful mismanagement of work, and idleness Profane language Assaulting her officer Having prohibited article in his possession Obscene and insulting language to his officer 1 laving prohibited article in his possession Idleness, and disrespect to Gaoler Insulting language and assault on fellow-prisoner Fighting in shelter-shed .. Unnecessary noise in his cell Making secret pocket in his breeches, and using insulting language to his officers Making secret pocket in his breeches, having prohibited article in his possession, and using insulting language to his officer Fighting on the works Defacing prison property .. Quarrelling with fellow-pri-soner Quarrelling and using obscene language to fellowprisoner Disobedience and undue familiarity to his officer Insulting language to his officer Obscene language and impertinence to his officer Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Warder Coffey Asst.-Warder Bethune T. Thompson, V.J. .. To forfeit 3 days' marks. C. La Roche, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water each. The Matron R. W. Moody, V.J., and C. La Roche, VJ. R. W. Moody, V.J. .. Dr. Giles, R.M. C. La Roche, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. T. F. E. L. N. H. Asst.-Warder Mahoney Asst.-Matron Irvine .. Assistant - Warder Tracey Warder Chilton 1 day bread and water. 7 days bread and water. 1 day bread and water. D. T. J. Newman, V.J. A. M. Asst.-Warder Bethune To forfeit 12 marks. R. L. The Gaoler and Asst.Warder Gillespie Asst.-Warder Hunter R. W. Moody, V.J. .. 2 days bread and water. H. II. C. La Roche, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. W. G. G. W. Warder Denison Warder Gideon T. Thompson, V.J. .. C. La Roche, V.J. .. 1 day bread and water. A. M. The Gaoler and Pl.Warder Robinson 4 days bread and water. G. F. The Chief Warder and Pl.-Warder Robinson 5 days bread and water. i.e. 1 D. B. / P. McL. J. B. Warder Russell R.W. Moody, V.J., and C. La Roche, V.J. C. La Roche, V.J. .. R. W. Moody, V.J. .. Each 3 days bread and water and to forfeit 3 days' marks. 2 days bread and water. 3 days bread and water. Warder Chilton Asst.-Matron Irvine .. a. B. 6 days bread and water. C. W. Warder Coffey R.W. Moody, V.J., and C. La Roche, V.J. R. W. Moody, V.J. .. 1 day bread and water. G. F. Warder Ryan 12 hours bread and water, and to forfeit 1 day's marks. 1 day bread and water. A. H. Asst.-Warder Gillespie C. La Roche, V.J. .. J. J. K. Asst.-Wr. O'Donoghue 1 day bread and water, and to forfeit 1 day's marks. To forfeit 72 marks, and to be reduced to second class for one month. 3 days bread and water. J. G. Warder Eastwick P. F. Do Quincey, V.J. i-:. n. Idleness and refusing to work Disobedience of orders Insulting language to his officer Assaulting a fellow-prisoner and using profane language Insulting language to his officer Having a prohibited article in his possession Unnecessary noise in his cell Talking after silence - bell had rung Insulting language to his officers Pl.-Warder Woolley .. E.N. J. D. Warder Eastwick C. La Roche, V.J. .. D. M. .. J. F. a •' 1 day bread and water. P. K. r. McL. Pl.-Warder Woolloy .. P. F. De Quincey, V.J. 3 days bread and water. d.G. Night-watch officer .. D. G. « ..

r. o'K. j,. A. Disobedience and insolence Disobedience and threatening language Disobedience and insolence Damaging prison property.. Asst.-Warder Glover.. Dr. Hislop, V.J. Asst.-Warder Vincent „ 1 day bread and water. K. E. 8. R. Asst.-Warder Madden „ Asst.-Warder Kirby .. J. Logan, V.J., J.P., and J. Oliver, J.P. .. Ditto 10 days bread and water. J. A. Disturbing quiet of the prison Using threatening language Disobedience and insolence 3. A. M.O'H. r. G. W.H.P. .. i Asst.-Warder Allman G. Fenwick, V.J. Asst.-Warder Kirby .. „ Asst.-Warder Allman . 2 days bread and water. Insulting and threatening language 3 days broad and water.