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The amounts in plus column have been obtained as follows:- Amounts in minus column distributed as „ follows . /riio oo T) Immigration .. 2,499 From unallotted .. .. 2,499 £ (Class I.) immigration > 7(; to c us t, oms , (Class VIII.) (Class III.) Railways .. •• 2,000 From unallotted .. .. 2,000 (s) 10 3 to Customs. . „„ao -n ii m. i =t orw ( 4 ) 221 to Customs. (Class \III.) (Class IV.) Grants-in-aid .. .. 3,908 From unallotted .. .. 3,908 U (Class VIII.) Customs Buildings .. 400 Prom Parliamentary Buildings 70 £400 From hospitals and charitable institutions .. .. 103 From school buildings .. 221 400 . • ™ T> ("') 2,499 to Immigration. (Class I.) /Class X) Rates on Native Lands .. 17,399 From unallotted .. .. 17,399 2,000 to Railways. (Class III.) X ' nnnt ._ „ „ ti . -, o or* 3,908 to Grants-in-aid. (Class IV.) (Class XI.) Thermal Springs.. .. 2,285 From unallotted .. .. 2,2t50 17i3 9 9 to Rates on Native Lands. (Class X.) /nw XTTI Charts and Expenses of 1,842 From unallotted .. .. 1,842 2,285 to Thermal Springs. (Class XI.) (Class XII.) Charges ana juxpuibes oi ±,o 1 g42 charges and Expenses of raising Loans. raising Loan . (Class XII.) Unallotted .. •• •• •■ i 0 .7 3* From hospitals and cliamaole £29,933 institutions .. .. 2,068 From recoveries, Ohinemuri County .. .. ■ ■ 90 From recoveries, Oamaru .„. uss( . tQ advanoe to Westport Harbour Board. Harbour Board .. .. 5,000 . . . ~ , £14,336 From receipts in aid under _____ District Railways Purchasing Act 3,000 From receipts in aid under "Government.Loans to Local (8) 2,068 to unallotted. Bodies Act, 1866" .. 576 (7) 90 to unallotted. 10,734 ( 8 ) 5,000 to unallotted. ... , ( !l 3,000 to unallotted. Advance to Westport Harbour Board .. 14,336 From recoveries, Westport w aUot)iea Harbour Board .. .. 14,336 v ' £10,374 Total .. •• £55,403 Total .. .. £55,403 £55,403 Total.

Table A. [To accompany Public Works Statement of 7th August, 1889.] PUBLIC WORKS FUND-PART I.

[Classes Description of Work. a, Allocations as determined in July, 1888. (2) Expenditure during Year ending 31st March, 1889. (3) Balances of Allocations unexpended on (4) "Readjustment of [Allocations nowproposed (August, 1889). (5) Unexpended Balances of Allocations as thus readjusted August, 1889) (0) (7) Year ending 31st March, 1890. Liabilities on • SlstMarch, Amounts Total i»ay. proposed to Amount be voted for proposed actual Ex- to be penditure. authorised. (8) Balances which will thus remain available for further Undertakings in succeeding Years. 31st March, 1889. Plus. Minus. ' Immigration £ 10,122 £ 8,791 £ 1,331 £ '2,499 £ £ 3,830 £ 1,200 £ 3,830 £ 3,830 1 £ I. II. Public Works, Departmental 6,911 0,458 453 453 453 III. Railways 12,092 4,762 7,330 2,000 9,330 5.793 9,330 9,330 j IV. Roads:— Roads, Bridges, and Wharves North of Auckland 732 264 408 468 340 468 408 Main Roads 34,644 10,968 23,676 23,676 7,380 14,000 19,000 4,076 Miscellaneous Roads and Bridges 58,511 26,748 31,763 31,763 21,232 27,112 30,000 1,763 Grants-in-aid 33,552 26,913 6,639 3,908 10,547 2,875 8,547 10,547 Roads to open up Lands before Sale 83,512 21,954 61,558 61,558 25,434 45,827 50,200 5,358 Village Settlements 60,147 10,770 49,377 49,377 38,429 19,173 48,177 1,200 Roads on Goldfields 46,707 7,015 39,692 39,692 25,168 30,000 35,000 4,692 Total Roads 317,805 104,632 213,173 3,908 217,081 120,858 145,127 199,392 17,689 V. Waterworks on Goldfields 984 55 929 929 700 929 VI. Purchase of Native Lands, North Island 14,485 5,089 9,396 9,396 3,911 9,396 9,396 VII. Telegraph Extension 28,370 12,047 16,323 16,323 3,591 12,700 16,328 VIII. Public Buildings :— Parliamentary Buildings 76 76 C)76 Departmental Offices Judicial 27,258 14,588 12,670 12,670 5,595 8,300 8,800 3,870 34,277 8,228 26,049 26,049 2,433 17,300 26,049 Post and Telegjaph 2,413 82 2,331 2,331 837 2,331 2,331 Customs 4C0 400 400 400 Lunatic Asylums 53,893 10,242 I 43,651 43,651 13,446 19,600 26,000 17,051 Hospitals and Charitable Institutions 2,964 B 673 2,291 f '• i 2 )103 P)2,008 1 120 1,143 120 120 Quarantine Stations Sehool-buil dings 1,000 779 221 C)221 2,468 Total Public Buildings 34,592 87,289 400 85,221 23,454 48,051 63,700 21,521 121,881 IX. Lighthouses, Harbour Works, and Defences: — Lighthouses 5,434 2,504 2,930 2,930. 350 2,930 2,930 56,541 50,089 6,452 9,382 6,452 6,116 6,452 6,452 Harbour Defences 6,466 9,382 9,882 61,975 52,593 9,382 Total Lighthouses, &c. Rates on Native Lands 18,595 •• 8,595 18,595 X. 11,500 10,304 1,196 65 17,399 XI. Thermal Springs 1,000 935 2,285 2,350 2,350 2,350 j XII. Charges and Expenses of raising Loans 1,842 3,084 30,000 28,758 1,242 3,084 3,084 Unallotted 35,000 35,000 10,734 ( ! ) 29,933 15,801 15,801 Advance to Westport Harbour Board Totals .. Dr.14,336 637,789 269,016 Dr.14,336 368,773 14,336 55,403 32,401 391,775 165,273 252,545 336,311 55,464 Recoveries on account of services of previous years: Cr. 14,336 14,336 (8)14,336 From Westport Harbour Board Prom Olimemuri County Prom Oamaru Harbour Board Cr. 90 Cr. 5,000 19,426 249,590 90 5,000 ** •• (')90 ( 8 )5,000 a Receipts in aid : — 637,789 388,199 55,403 51,827 391,775 165,273 252,545 336,311 55,464 Under District Railways Purchasing Acts Under " Government Loans to Local Bodies Act, 1866" 3,000 ( 9 )3,000 ( 10 )576 576 Grand totals 391,775 55,403 55,4C3 391,775 105,273 252,545 336,311 55,464