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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1889-90. One-third of proceeds of Lands sold on";Deferred Payments, payable to Local Bodies and to Deposit Accounts £ 17,000 New Plymouth Harbour Board Endowment 3,800 20,800 CLASS XIV.—CROWN LANDS AND SURVEY DEPARTMENTS. 1889-90. Salaries. Other Charges. Pot: ala. Salaries. Other Charges. Totals. £ £ Vote 66.—Crown Lands Department ... 11,544 4,500 £ £ £ £ 6,04 14 11,544 4,500 16,044 „ 67. —Thermal Springs Expenses ... 200 300 200 300 500 50 )0 „ 68.—Coalfields ... ... 100 50 100 50 150 15 50 „ 69.—Survey Department... ... 32,890 38,350 32,890 38,350 71,240 1,24 10 „ 70. —Miscellaneous Services ... ... 3,817 3,817 3,817 3,81 17 TOTAL OE CLASS XIV. ... 44,734 47,017 44,734 47,017 91,751 Item. 189-90. CROWN LANDS DEPARTMENT. 1889-90. Total number of officers ... 54 70TE No. 66. Salabies —■ Chief Offices — Under-Secretary Chief Clerk 5 Clerks, 1 at £215,1 at £210, 1 at £200, 2 at £130 Cadet ... 600 350 885 60