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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services,

Item. 18 9-90. GEOLOGICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT— continued. 2 3 4 5 VOTE No. 53— continued. Other Charges— Eield Expenses and Special Surveys Meteorological Stations and Time Ball Observatory Intercolonial Weather Exchange Contingencies 400 150 CO 500 Total—Vote No. 53 1,110 3,250 STOCK BRANCH. 1889-90. Total number of officers ... 41 VOTE No. 54. Head Office — Salaries — 2 Clerks 380 2 3 4 Other Charges — Refund of deposit on ferret-breeding contract, Clarence Run Refund of rent, Mount EyfTe run . Contingencies 300 60 500 860 Total for Head Office 1,240 5 Auckland District— Salaries — 1 Inspector 3 Sub-Inspectors 400 550 950 6 7 8 9 Other Charges — Travelling expenses of Inspector Travelling allowances of Sub-Inspectors ... 2 Rabbit Agents Destruction of rabbits upon Crown lands, contracts, labour, natural enemies, &c. ... Contingencies 120 125 400 10 600 205 1,450 Total for District 2,400 11 Napier District — Salaries — 1 Inspector 3 Sub-Inspectors 400 550 Other Charges — Travelling expenses of Inspector Travelling allowances of Sub-Inspectors ... Contingencies ... ... .; 950 12 13 14 120 225 205 % 550 Total for District 1,500 |