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B—B. 7.

Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

1889-90. Salaries. Other Charges. Total. £ £ £ k-'ote 44.—Head Office 1,810 275 2,085 ,, 45. —Public Schools 334,750 334,750 „ 46.—Native Schools 12,100 3,600 15,700 „ 47.—Industrial Schools ... 2,641 10,580 13,221 ,, 48.—School for Deaf-mutes 1,145 1,910 3,055 „ 49.—Miscellaneous Services 520 520 TOTAL OF CLASS VIII. 17,696 35 ,635 369,331 tern. 188' 1-90. £ £ HEAD OFFICE. 1889-90. Total number of officers ... 7 1 2 3 VOTE No. 44. Salaeies—Secretary and Inspector-General Chief Clerk Inspector-General's Clerk and Assistant Native School Inspector 4 Clerks, 1 at £190, 1 at £185, 1 at £120, 1 at £90 ... 600 375 4 300 535 Other Chaeges— Clerical Assistance Travelling Expenses Contingencies 1,810 5 <; 7 100 125 50 Total- —Vote No. 44 275 2,085 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. * VOTE No. 45. Othee Chaeges— Grants to Education Boards— 93,000 average attendances at £3 15s. £348,750 Less Revenue from Reserves ... 30,750 2" 3 Scholarships ... - Towards Cost of Inspection .., 318,000 6,250 4,000