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Tuesday, 23ed July, 1889. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Mr. Acland (Chairman), Hon. Captain Morris, Hon. Mr. Peter, Hon. Mr. Pharazyn, Hon. Mr. Eobinson, Hon. Mr. Walker, Hon. Sir G. S. Whitmore, K.C.M.G., MrAnderson, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Lance, Mr. Lawry, Mr. J. McKenzie, and Captain Eussell. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. On motion of the Hon. Mr. Eobinson, Besolved, That at the next meeting of the Committee the report of the Conference of Inspectors be considered. Consideration of the dismissal of Agent Cunningham was then resumed. On motion of the Hon. Mr. Walker, Besolved, That further consideration of this matter be postponed; that the Hon. the Minister of Lands be requested to attend the next meeting of the Committee, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister. Papers laid on the table : (1.) Eeturn of moneys paid to the Natives in the North Island for killing rabbits. (2.) Memorandum from Mr. McGibbon re the use of wire-netting for rabbit-proof fences and making the same a legal fence. The Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday, 31st July, 1889. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Mr. Acland (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Campbell, Hon. Mr. Peter, Hon. Mr.. Pharazyn, Hon. Mr. Walker, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Lance, Mr. Lawry, Hon. Mr. G. P. Eichardson, and Captain Eussell. An order of reference of 30th July, giving permission of the House for the Committee to meet, the House being then sitting, was read. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Papers, from the Farmer's Club, Waitahuna, for amendment of " The Branding Act, 1880" (L.S. 89/304), and the Statement of Expenditure of the Hawke's Bay Eabbit District Board of Trustees, were laid on the table. Mr. Bichardson, Chief Inspector of Sheep, Blenheim, attended and gave evidence, and, being thanked, withdrew. The Committee deliberated. The Committee then adjourned.

Wednesday, 7th August, 1889. The Committee met at 11 a.m. Present: Hon. Mr. Acland (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Campbell, Hon. Captain Morris, Hon. Mr. Peter, Hon. Mr. Pharazyn, Hon Mr. Bobinson, Hon. Mr. Walker, Hon. Sir G. S. Whitmore,, K.C.M.G., Mr. Anderson, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Lance, Mr. Lawry, and Captain Eussell. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and confirmed. Consideration of the Conference of Inspectors was resumed— Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4 were read and agreed to. Paragraph 5 was read and considered. The Hon. Captain Morris moved, That paragraph sbe agreed to. Debate arose thereon. Further consideration of this paragraph was postponed. The Hon. Mr. Peter further moved, That this matter be postponed till copies of the paper can be supplied to the Committee. The Hon. Mr. Walker moved, as an amendment, That, as the few useful suggestions contained in the Minutes of Proceedings of the Conference of Inspectors are amply provided for by Act, the remainder are not worth consideration, and that this Committee do not discuss the report at all. j;;-? The amendment of the Hon. Mr. Walker being put, the Committee divided, and the names ■were taken down as follow: — Ayes, 5. —Hon. Mr. Eobinson, Hon. Mr. Walker, Hon. Sir. G. S. Whitmore, K.C.M.G., Mr. Dodson, Mr. Kerr. Noes, 7. —Hon. Captain Morris, Hon. Mr. Peter, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Lance, Mr. Lawry, Captain Eussell. So it passed in the negative. And the original motion being put, it was resolved in the affirmative. On motion of Captain Eussell, Besolved, That no flockowner in or near any clean district shall be compelled to brand his sheep with any other mark than his registered ear-mark, anything in " The Brands and Branding Act, 1880," to the contrary notwithstanding. On motion of Mr. Kerr, Ordered, That the evidence given by Mr. Bichardson, Inspector of Sheep, Blenheim, be printed. The Committee then adjourned.

Thuesdat, 15th August, 1889. The Committee met at 11 a.m., pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. Mr. Acland (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Campbell, Hon. Mr. Pharazyn, Hon. Mr.