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123. Captain Russell.] Have the Natives ever complained to the department that they have been refused admission to hospitals?—Never, to my knowledge. 124. Hon. Sir J. Hall.] Have you considered the case of Nelson; is there not provision made out of the proceeds of Native reserves there for medical attendance ? —I have no information with me as to the provision out of Native reserves for medical attendance. The information lam giving is distinct from the subject of Native reserves, which are dealt with by the Public Trustee. 125. Then there may be provision for medical attendance for Natives in the Nelson district, and also on the West Coast, out of proceeds of Native reserves ?—Yes, and at Kaiapoi too; but the provision out of Native reserves vested in the Public Trustee is dealt with by him without any reference to the Native Department, and I have no information regarding it. 126. Hon. Mr. Shephard.] Then, in the case of Native reserves, the cost of medical attendance is provided out of money belonging to the Natives themselves ?—Out of the proceeds of Native reserves. 127. What I mean is, the Government do not provide any part of that expenditure : it comes out of the proceeds of Native reserves ?—Yes. 128. Mr. Samuel.] You said that -you have no knowledge of any complaints made by Natives in the Middle Island as to their not being admitted into hospitals ?—I do not remember any. 129. Have you any knowledge of any complaints made in connection with their not being granted charitable aid?—No, I cannot say that I have. 130. It is only in connection with these Middle Island claims, as they are called, that you have had any complaints from the Natives in the Middle Island. You have had no complaints from them that they are in indigent circumstances and not relieved? —I do not remember any specific complaints. Of course there may be such complaints, but they are not prominent or numerous. 131. You cannot remember any"?—l do not remember any at this moment. I should require to refresh my memory from the records in order to speak with certainty on the subject. 132. Hon. the Chairman.] We shall now go to the question of schools. With reference to the schools at Ngaitahu, what is the present provision ?—I should like to explain to the Committee that the Native schools are dealt with by the Education Department, and therefore I am not in a position to speak with authority respecting them : the Native schools are not now a branch of the Native Department. If it be sufficient information for the Committee, I have a list of the schools, with the attendance for the March quarter, 1889, which has been furnished to me by the Education Department. [List marked B, attached, read.] Although I have visited the Middle Island my duties have taken me there so rarely that I have little local knowledge about the Middle Island. 133. You say these schools are managed by the Education Department ?—Yes. 134. Do they provide the funds ?—lt is part of the Education vote, as placed on the estimates. 135. The Native Department have no control whatever over these schools ?—None whatever. 136. Captain Russell.] Are the children of the Native race allowed to go to European schools, do you know ?—I know as a fact that in some parts of the North Island the Native children go to European schools. Ido not know about the Middle Island. 137. Hon. Sir J. Hall.] The return you are to prepare for the Committee will contain a statement of what has been done in the matter of schools in times past ?—I will get all the information about the schools from the Education Department.* 138. I mean in times jiast, before they were placed under the Education Department ?—As soon as the Education Department took over the schools all the records of early days were handed over to them, and with assistance from them the Native Department will be able to furnish the return. 139. The Committee want to know what has been done in times past in regard to Native schools before you were Under-Secretary : what schools were maintained by the Government, and at what cost; also whether any applications have been made for schools which were not complied with ?—I will endeavour to furnish the information desired. 140. Are there any reserves in Ngaitahu the proceeds of which are applied to the maintenance of schools? —I think not, but cannot speak positively.

* For returns promised by witness v. post.