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will bo observed that the books and documents should be transmitted to the Organizing Secretary of the Imperial Institute. ... I have, &c, KNUTSFORD. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

Enclosure. Sir, — Imperial Institute, 1, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, W.C., 30th January, 1888. The Organizing Committee of the Imperial Institute is occupying itself, at my suggestion, with the consideration and execution of the measures necessary for establishing one of the branches of that Institute—namely, a Department for Commercial and Industrial Intelligence, which will also deal with the collection and distribution of information relating to emigration and colonisation, and to technical education. One of the first steps which it is necessary to take in organizing this department is to secure the regular and expeditious supply of official and other publications and documents relating to commerce, agriculture, political economy, the natural history and resources of the colonies, of statistical returns, enactments, and official notifications by colonial Governments, cfec, with a view to the development of a comprehensive reference library, already in course of formation, and to the preparation of precis and statistical information for speedy distribution among public bodies, associations, and institutions in the Empire which are connected with commerce, trades, and industries, and with technical education. I entertain the hope that, in view of the importance which attaches to a speedy and effective development of this branch of the Institute, you will feel disposed to move the Governments of the several colonies to afford their valuable aid by authorising the steps necessary for speedily carrying into effect arrangements for collecting and transmitting to the Organizing Secretary of the Institute such works and documents of the nature indicated as can be spared which have been already issued or published, and for their future regular supply to the library of the Institute. I may add that I share with the Organizing Committee the expectation that when the Intelligence Department is fairly at work its operations will prove to be of direct value to the colonial Governments, who, by their prompt and active co-operation in the direction indicated, will have importantly facilitated its establishment and development. I have, &c, The Secretary of State for the Colonies, &c. Albert Edward.

(New Zealand, No. 37.) My Lord, — Government House, Wellington, 4th May, 1888. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's circular despatch of the Ist March last, enclosing a letter from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales relative to the establishment, as a branch of the Imperial Institute, of a Department for Commercial and Industrial Intelligence, and, in reply, to inform you that my Government has given the necessary orders for the transmission of the various documents referred to in His Royal Highness's letter. I have, &c, W. E. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. Lord Knutsford, &c.

(Circular.) Sir,— Downing Street, 2nd March, 1888. With reference to my circular despatch of the Ist instant, transmitting to you a copy of a letter from His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales respecting the establishment, as a branch of the Imperial Institute, of a Department for Commercial and Industrial Intelligence, I have the honour to acquaint you, with reference to the subjects of emigration, colonisation, and technical education, referred to in the opening part of His Royal Highness's letter, that, as regards the first-named, it is now under consideration whether working relations between the Imperial Institute and the Emigrants' Information Office can be established. It is desirable that all the information now supplied to the latter office should continue to be furnished to it in the same way and to as full an extent as at present. I have, &c, KNUTSFORD. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

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