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miles. At dark I had got no sight of the land. I steamed on till the moon rose, as near as I could judge about 3 a.m. on Monday morning, when I stopped the engines and put sail on the launch, with her head to the northward, and waited for daylight; then, seeing no sign of land, I started to run back, sfteering north-west by west, expecting to reach the north end of Canton Island about 2 p.m. From that time I ran about four miles north, then about eight miles south-west, then about ten miles-north-west, then south till dark. From that time I ran east till next day, when the coal was done. I then got all hands into the boat, heading the boat to the southward on the wind, having variable weather the whole way, the last three days being very squally, arriving here on the 29th. My reckoning from the time I left the ship was—three miles an hour—forty-five miles east by south, having overrun the distance nearly ten miles ; back—five miles and a half per hour^4-forty-three or forty-four miles north-west by west, four miles north, eight miles south-west, ten miles north-west, four miles south, up till dark on Monday night. From that time ran east about fifty miles till leaving the launch. I have done what I considered best for saving the lives of the crew and myself. Thomas Scott, Boatswain of barque " Alexa." These are to certify that the above is a true and faithful copy of its original, existing in the archives of this Consulate. Dated at the British Consulate at Samoa this 30th day of September, 1887. W. H. Wilson, Acting British Vice-Consul.

Sub-enclosure No. 3. British Consulate, Apia, Samoa, 26th June, 1887. This is to certify that wo, Thomas Scott and David Thomas, distressed British seamen, have boarded at the International Hotel, Apia (proprietor, Thomas Meredith), from the 29th April, 1887, to the 26th June, 1887. Thomas Scott. David Thomas. I hereby certify that the above was signed by Thomas Scott and David Thomas in my presence at the British Consulate on the 26th June, 1887. W. H. Wilson, Acting British Vice-Consul.

Sub-enclosure No. 4. Voucher for Clothing. Apia, Samoa, 30th September, 1887. H.B.M. Consul, Dr. to W. McArthur and Company. For clothing supplied to Thomas Scott and David Thomas, ex ship " Alexa," 2nd May, 1887, £5 4s. lOd. Received payment this 30th September, 1887. —W. McArthur and Co., per Fletcher and Spencer. Witness—Thomas Mabin.

Sub-enclosure No. 5. Voucher for Subsistence. Samoa, 30th September, 1887. H.B.M. Consul, Dr. to Mr. Thomas Meredith. For boarding David Thomas, ex ship " Alexa," from 29th April, 1887, to 26th June, 1887, inclusive, fifty-eight days at 4s. per day, £11 12s. Received payment.—Thomas Meredith. Witness—Walter F. Dufty.

(New Zealand, No. 118.) My Lord, — Government House, 7th December, 1888. I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Lordship's Despatch No. 44, of the 19th September last, with a copy of a letter from the Board of Trade respecting the expenses incurred by Her Majesty's Government for the seamen of the barque " Alexa," and in reply to inform you that the sum in question will be refunded to the Board of Trade by the Agent-General for New Zealand in London. I have, &c, W. F. DRUMMOND JERVOIS. The Right Hon. Lord Knutsford, &c.

CONVENTION FOR PROTECTION OF COPYRIGHT, LITERARY, AND ARTISTIC WORKS. (Circular.) Sir, — Downing Street, 29th February, 1888. With reference to my circular despatch of the 18th November last, I have the honour to transmit to you, for information and publication in~the colony under your Government, a copy of an Order of the Queen in Council for bringing into effect, from the 6th December, 1887, the convention for the creation of an International Union for the protection to be given by way of copyright to the

A2, 1888. No. 52.