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Brought forward & s. d. £ s. a. 562 12 3 £ s. d. Consolidated Fund— continued. FOR SERVICES NOT PROVIDED FOR— continued. Ordinary Revenue Account — continued. Stamp Department : — Refund of legacy duty on bequest for distribution amongst the poor of Aldington, Christchurch 1 15 0 1 15 0 Education Department: — Refund to Mr. A. D. Riley for expenses incurred while visiting Australia and reporting on technical education 27 18 0 27 18 0 Native Department: — Payment to Wi Pere on account of his claim to land at Poverty Bay Allowance and expenses paid to Commissioners attending Mokau inquiry Refund to Colonel J. M. Roberts for passage-money from Auckland to Wellington 300 0 0 539 3 11 843 3 11 4 0 0 Railways Department: — Compassionate allowances to— Widow of J. Mahoney, labourer at Addington Station.. Widow of J. Henderson, platelayer, Hururmi-Bluff Line Widow of M. Kennedy, porter, Dunback Station Widow of W. Coulter, guard, Dunedin Station Widow of W. Gudsell, engine-driver, Wellington-Mas-terton Railway .. .. Gratuity to Mrs. W. H. Peat, on account of lunacy of her husband (late stationmaster, Waverley), which was brought on by injuries received while on duty Remission made to Messrs. W. B. Common and Co., of Christchurch, of half storage charges on tallow Freight on gravel from Kelso to Clinton remitted Charges for carriage of sheep and goats conveyed to s.s. " Stella," for conveyance to Auckland and Campbell Islands, remitted 54 15 6 25 8 8 29 6 11 33 5 2 86 1 6 143 17 i 6 4 0 2 5 0 2 15 10 Defence Department: — Compensation to members of the Permanent Militia, Wellington, on dispensing with their services Compensation to Major A. Tuke on dispensing with his services Additional compensation to Colonel J. M. Roberts 383 19 11 127 15 0 Police Department; — Balance of compassionate allowance to widow of late Constable Marone}', of Maketu Expenses incurred during search for Professor Brown, lost in the Otago ranges Expenses in connection with Ihe Royal Commission of inquiry at Point Resolution 700 0 0 167 3 4 994 18 4 164 5 0 45 17 3 368 17 0 158 14 9 Crown Lands Department: — Travelling allowances and expenses to J. Lundon whilst lecturing in connection with village settlements Expenses re investigation of settlers' claims on the Arahura and Teremakau Rivers Food and clothing supplied to village settlers 231 14 10 288 14 1 40 10 0 16 9 3 Survey Department: — Refund of deposit on contract for Wainui-Tahoraito Road by W. Hood, the deposit being now payable to Baddeley and Younghusband, who completed the contract 20 0 0 20 0 0 Minister for Public Works : — Public Buildings— Additional compensation to J. Welsby, late draughtsman, Wellington 4 19 8 4 19 8 Advances outstanding .. 3,496 18 2 25 0 0 3,521 18 2 Land Fund Account: — Crown Lands Department: — County of Patea : General rate of jfths of Id. in the£l on Block L, Nukumaru, University Reserve 6 5 0 6 5 0 Carried forward 3,528 3 2