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British New Guinea. (New Zealand—General.) Sir, —.»> Downing Street, 14th June, 1888. I have the honour to inform you that Letters Patent, of which a copy is enclosed, have been passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom for erecting certain British territory in New Guinea and the adjacent islands into a separate possession by the name of British Newr Guinea, and providing for its government, and that Mr. William Macgregor, M.D., C.M.G., has been appointed Administrator of the Government. I have, &c, KNUTSEORD. Governor Sir W. E. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.8., &c. [For enclosures see A.-4, 1889, No. I.]

Trade with the Marshall Islands. (New Zealand —Circular.) Sir, — Downing Street, 30th June, 18S8. I have the honour to transmit to you, for communication to your Government, a copy of a despatch from Her Majesty's Minister at Washington, forwarding one from Her Majesty's Consul at San Francisco on the subject of trade with the Marshall Islands. I have, &c, KNUTSEORD. Governor Sir W. F. D. Jervois, G.C.M.G., C.8., &c. Enclosure. Sir L. West to the Marquis of Salisbury. (Received 28th May.) (No. 150—Commercial."I

My Lord ,— Washington, 18th May, 1888. I have the honour to enclose to your Lordship herewith copy of a despatch, as well as copy of enclosure, which I have received from Her Majesty's Consul at San Francisco relative to trade with the Marshall Islands. I have, &c, L. S. Sackville West.

Sub-enclosures. Consul Donohoe to Sir L. West. Sir,— San Francisco, 10th May, 1888. I have the honour to enclose copy of a letter which I received this morning from the Imperial German Consul relative to trade with the Marshall Islands. There is some trade in schooners from San Francisco with these islands, but the vessels are under the American flag. Upon making inquiries here I find that the vessels under the British flag trading there usually hail from the Australian Colonies. I have, &c, D. Donohoe.

Mr. Rosenthal to Consul Donohoe. Sir, — San Francisco, Ist May, 1888. The Imperial German Government has declared the port of Yalint to be the only port of entry of the Marshall Islands. The masters of those ships which come from any port outside of said islands have to enter the port of Yalint, and to report to the Imperial Commissioner at said last-mentioned port before touching any other one of the said islands. Any violation of any of the foregoing provisions shall be punishable by fine not exceeding 6,000 marks. This fine may be enforced against the ship and cargo without regard to the owner of the same, and the forfeiture of the ship may be adjudged. It being desirable that all parties concerned receive timely notice of the foregoing, I would most respectfully request you to have the masters of such ships as are under your official control and may go to the Marshall Islands informed of the above requirements. I am, &c, A. Rosenthal, Imperial German Consul.

SHIPPING. Certificates of Masters and Mates of the Mercantile Marine. (Circular.) « Sir, — Downing Street, 11th February, 1888. I have the honour to transmit to you, for communication to your Government, the accompanying copy of a letter from the Board of Trade respecting the