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and his wife. It is a comfortable, homely institution, and is well managed. Like all the West Coast hospitals it will be seen by reference to the figures given above that the individual average stay is very high, reaching in this case eighty-one days for each patient.

THAMES HOSPITAL. Patients remaining, 31st March, JBBB ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 161 Total under treatment ... ... ... 169 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 146 Died ... .._ ... ... ... ... 8 Eemaining, 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... ... 15 Localities from which Patients came. —Thames County and Ohinemuri County. Sex. —l2s males, 44 females. Nationality. —English, 44; Irish, 32 ; Scotch, 4; Colonials, 82; Foreign, 7. Total collective number of hospital days, 5,172; individual average stay, 3060 days. The average daily cost per patient was 9s. 1-J-d. ; less repayments by patients, 7s. 2fd. The number of out-patients was —indviduals, 1,020; attendances, 3,299. Bevenue and Expenditube. Revenue. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. Amount contributed by Government 1,207 4 3 Bations, fuel, and light ... ... 614 9 4 By local bodies ... ... ...1,10710 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 25 12 6 Subscriptions and donations .... 74 15 6 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 340 2 8 Patients'payments ... ... 532 19 0 Bedding and furniture ... ... 133 13 4 Other sources ... ... ... 89810 Salaries and wages ... ... 942 6 8 Funerals ... ... ... 12 3 0 Eepairs 144 17 10 Printing, stationery, &c. ... ... 5171 Interest ... ... ... 46 17 6 Insurance ... ... ... 20 13 6 Eates ... ... ... ... 23 6 4 Other expenses ... ... ... 46194 Total ... £3,011 17 7 Total ... £2,402 9 1 Inspection. Last year I felt it my duty to animadvert somewhat severely on the system of treating outpatients adopted by the trustees of this hospital. lam informed that recently this evil system has been given up, so that this year I have nothing to find fault with. The condition and management of the institution in all its details is admirable.

HAMILTON HOSPITAL. Number of patients, 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... 8 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 74 Total under treatment ... ... ... 82 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 69 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Eemaining, 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... ... 7 Localities from which Patients came. —Auckland, 2; King Country, 12 ; Waipa, 30; Eaglan, 7; Piako, 7 ; Waikato County, 24. Sex. —66 males, 16 females. Country. —England, 29; Scotland, 6; Ireland, 12; New Zealand, 28; Canada, 1; France, 1; Australia, 2; Sweden, 1; Belgium, 1; Italy, 1. Religion. —Church of England, 38; Boman Catholic, 25; Presbyterian, 10; Wesleyan, 7 ; Church of Christ, 1. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,670; individual average stay, 32-56 days. Average daily cost per patient, lls. 4d.; deducting repayments by patients, 10s. 3£d. Out-patients, 40.