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DUNSTAN HOSPITAL. Number of patients on 31st March, 1888 ... ... ... 3 Admitted during the year " ... ... ... ... 46 Total under treatment ... ... ... 49 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Remaining, 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... ... 6 The total collective days' stay in hospital was 1,608; the individual average stay, 32-16 : and the average daily cost per head was Bs. Bd. (neady); less repayments, 7s. 5-Jd. Localities from which Patients came.- —Clyde and Clyde Commonage, 8; Black's, Tinker's, Dryhead, and Ida Valley, 13 ; Earnscleugh, Bald Hill, and Butcher's Gully, 11; Alexandra, Galloway, Spring Vale, and Moutere, 11; Cromwell district, 6. Sex. —41 males, 8 females. Country. —England, 19; Scotland, 4; Ireland, 11; China, 10; New Zealand, 5. Revenue and Expenditube. Bevenue. £ s. d. i Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 518 16 01 Rations ... ... ... 112 19 3 Local bodies ... ... ... 268 10 0 Wines, spirits, ales, &c. ... ... 23 10 4 Subscriptions and donations ... 91 19 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 25 17 2 Patients' payments ... ... 96 5 10 ' Fuel and light ... ... ... 30 7 9 Other sources ... ... ... 4 0 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 10 15 6 Balance in hand, Ist April, 1888 ... 149 3 9 Furniture and earthenware ' ... 44 911 | Salaries and wages ... ... 375 12 0 Water-supply ... ... ... 15 14 6 I Funerals ... ... ... 800 Printing, stationery, &c. ... ... 15 0 8 Interest ... ... ... 070 Insurance ... ... ... 12 19 6 Other expenses... ... ... 20 010 Total ... £1,128 14 7 Total ... ... £695 14 5 Inspection. I found this hospital in excellent order. All the cases (seven in number) on the date of my visit, 24th January, 1889, were surgical ones, and manifested great care and skill in their treatment. I am thoroughly satisfied that this hospital is well managed.

GISBORNE HOSPITAL. Number of patients, 31st March, 1888 .... ... ... 5 Admitted during the year ... ... ... ... 103 Total under treatment ... ... ... 108 Discharged ... ... ... ... ... ... 96 Died ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 Eemaining on 31st March, 1889 ... ... ... ... 6 Localities from which Patients came. — Borough of Gisborne and Cook County. Sex. —91 males, 17 females. Nationality. —British, 95 ; Foreign, 13. Total collective days' stay in hospital, 2,648 ; individual average stay, 24-J days. Individual average cost per day, 7s. 4d.; less patients' payments, ss. 7d. There were no outdoor-patients. Revenue and Expenditure. Beventie. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. From Government ... ... 372 4 7 Rations ... ... ... 179 11 H From local bodies ... ... 200 0 0 Wines, spirits, ale, &c. ... ... 11 10 0 Subscriptions and donations ... 132 2 0 Surgery and dispensary ... ... 91 15 6 Rents ... ... ... ... 7648 Fuel and light ... ... ... 5526 Patients'payments ... ... 164 8 0 Bedding and clothing ... ... 20 17 11 Balance, 31st March, 1888 ... 65 17 11 Furniture and earthenware ... 38 0 4 Salaries and wages ... ... 429 1 0 Funerals ... ... ... 300 Repairs ... ... ... 69 2 7 Printing, advertising, and stationery 23 16 6 Insurance ... ... ... 12 2 3 Commission ... ... ... 22 15 8 Other expenses... ... ... 15 13 2 Total ... £1,010 17 2 Total ... ... £972 9 4